
What can you possibly use from this????? Are there any parts working/usable? What is the difference between this and the bag of trash I just took out???

This is BS. Everyone knows 3rd is the best gear. In 1st you are just beggining to accelerate (not enough speed), 2nd is fine, but still not enough speed, 4th is the exact opposite of 2nd (good speed, not enough acceleration), and 5th is the opposite of 1st.

Dodge gives you blue balls and you are happy??? They gotta give a little something more substantial to keep us in the game, man! It doesnt work your balls are hurting!

#DodgeBlueBalls so they knock it off with this BS

At which point of being mercilessly teased you just say “fuck it!” and procede to masturbate? In this case, it would be like just buying a Hellcat or a “regular” Challenger.

The Skittles and the M&Ms man... that just triggered me, dude... now I have to do something...

My wife’s Daewoo Racer! That POS wasn’t running when i met her, and she had like a bazzillion parking tikets, that were basically the cost of the sale value! Damn vermin was tough to get rid of!! When we moved to another place, I convinced her to sell the shitbox and use the money to pay the parking tickets... except

OMG. Amazing.

Im sorry, but neither has anyone else...

+1. Flawless.

+1, very clean exit.

The Acura spinning out was No. 86...

I swear to you, theres something about black Wranglers... one time I woke at about 4 am with the most unbelievable racket Ive ever heard. I got up and opened the window to see where ir was coming, but didnt see anything at that moment. But the noise kept getting louder and louder! It was unbelievable!

I agree. I own a 98 ZJ and I love it. First car I ever wrenched on, and I already became pretty proficient at it. Parts are cheap and plenty, and information can be found everywhere.

Ive heard that mystery water spreads herpes, it was on the media the other day.

Michael Bay is going to file a copyright claim on this, Im telling you.

Holy shit! The odds of this happening, man!!

You mean the badge engineered Nissan Navara?? You got luky, good riddance!!