
What you describe to me doesn't sound like all that much training, to be honest. Practically every career these days requires years of schooling and countless 3 hour exams. And we give cops weapons and the responsibility of making life and death decisions and protecting society. They had better do years of training

Are three-hour exams considered ridiculous? Because I did them in clown...I mean, business school.

Do or do not be a good cop, there is no try.

I don't trust anything old Moonvest says.

Beuverie Express sounds like a chain of liquor stores that tried to class itself up with a French name.

Man, you know, when you grow up with an abusive parent, having the empathy and humanity that this guy shows is the biggest fuck you to a parent's destructive bullshit. I had a very abusive father and I'm not comparing (though you know, this does definitely trigger thoughts about my life), but there is nothing more

I guess those of us with naturally high voices should just shut the fuck up so as to not offend your sensibilities.

Nah, that one's all mine because I love that song and cheese-filled pancakes.

Regarding the rabies thing: Bats can get and transmit rabies, but the incidence is VERY LOW. Please do not freak out about bats, they are our friends.

If I got pregnant and out popped a bunch of baby bats, I really wouldn't be disappointed.

*google's Carl's Jr. locations in Texas*

None of those situations are outrageous. They happen everyday. So you wouldn't hire any fathers because they are more disruptive to work flow than childless guys?


What an evil fucking thing to cut corners on. I could give a shit less if people copy designer bags or electronics, but have some fucking shame.

In what world is this okay or funny? It sounds like assault. If someone smacked me like that I can't imagine not returning the favor exponentially unless they ran like a shot.

Note to criminals: It's a bad idea to film yourself committing assault, and then post it online as though it's a joke.

I hope that shit gets shut down. Sounds like the majority of it is just assault. So.not.funny. I won't be looking to give this jerk the page hit. He can eat a bag of dicks.

What if your car breaks down & you have to take it to the shop? What if you're remodeling and need to take a day to meet a contractor? What if your pet has explosive diarrhea all over the floor in the morning and you need to clean up & take him to the vet? What if you have a disability that requires 3 day-time doctor