
That makes me feel better!

This is research worth conducting. I commend you for your efforts.

My mother told one of my friends, right in front of me, that my sister and I were the ugliest babies she ever saw. We were premies with sagging skin and jaundice, so she's not wrong. But still.

That would work on my grandfather.

I'm pretty sure, though, that they just mix it into the matter, and then pour some over the finished product like a float? I'm trying to remember the fried Coke I'd tried, and it was basically fried dough with Coke flavoring.

When I was in high school (long time ago), I babysat kids who had this computer game. They were sweet kids, but I was always counting down until they went to bed and I could play this. And I'm still terrible at geography.

I just read this old post of yours and now I'm wishing that your doctor was here where I live. She sounds fantastic. And, uh, I hope your Vitamin D levels are higher now, because, DUDE.

He didn't intend to offend anyone. Oh, well, that makes it ok, then. Apology accepted!

Close but not quite. According to Miss Manners, who I trust in these matters, Miss/Mrs./Ms. all used to be abbreviations for the same word: Mistress. Women used Mistress, men used Master, neither word indicated marital status. Over time, Mrs. came to mean married and Miss. to mean unmarried. Ms. fell out of use

FOR REAL. My family was all about me getting my degree before I settled down, but once I had one degree, it was "when are you getting married?" And then it was "don't worry, you'll find someone," even when I said I didn't want to get married. And after years of me saying that, it became, "Oh, you don't want to get

In this country, we prize people who are "smart," who seem to naturally excel in academics. But tere are a number of excellent studies and books talking about how natural "talent" is over-prized and over-rewarded, when really, people who truly excel in their fields are hardworkers, and a person who does not work at

I'd start by not describing yourself as intellectual. Why do you need to give yourself a label—so you can make sure that other people know you like "smart-people" things? There is no such thing. "Smart people" are people, which means they can enjoy reading so-called intellectual stuff, but they can also enjoy

As someone with multiple food allergies, I ask this question every day. And then I crack open my dumbed-down version of an immunology textbook and am reminded that the immune system is still a big mystery zone to scientists. And let's face it, when you have a population full of people who think that it's preferable

It could be that the allergy was mild so having something with eggs in it would be tolerable but not eating a whole egg by itself. Also, cooking can sometimes change the protein enough for some people that they can tolerate it. Also, sometimes symptoms are so mild that he or she just felt a little "off" after and just

Word. I don't have a deathly food allergy, but I have many food allergies, and some are severe and seem to be getting worse. The worse one for me, not death-wise but just for avoiding, is garlic. And onions. That stuff is in everything. That, and corn, which I'm also allergic to.

I am glad to know there are more of us out there! Objectively, I know there are because Davis got elected, and most of my friends are also left-leaning. But still, some days it feels pretty lonely. Probably because the idiots are very vocal, so it feels like we're surrounded even when we're not.

Word. I'm so happy I live in Wendy Davis's district!

This is the same man who just vetoed a bill that would allow a voter to use an interpreter or his or her choice when voting. Currently any interpreter has to be a registered voter from that county, but the bill would have allowed a voter to use any interpreter that the voter wanted. Perry vetoed it because there

Not to be all lawyer-y, but technically, it's not robbery. Some form of theft, depending on the laws of the state you're in. But not robbery, which involves taking property by force or the threat of force.

"Wheely bin." I'm not even sure if I'm spelling that right. It's a trash can with wheels. That sounds so much like how I'd describe it if I was fumbling for words and couldn't think of what it was called. "That, you know, that wheely bin thing." So I love that it appears to be what some people actually call it.