I'm Catholic, and I and nobody I know actually believe that there were once talking snakes, people who lived to 400 years old, and angels coming down from heaven and fucking humans and having babies with them.
I'm Catholic, and I and nobody I know actually believe that there were once talking snakes, people who lived to 400 years old, and angels coming down from heaven and fucking humans and having babies with them.
None of the pieces I've read have said anything about what "new information" has come to light besides the fact that the media is now interested in the case.
"white fanboy fodder" ?
Someone is clearly unfamiliar with at least half of the fanbase of Thor. And Chris Hemsworth. And Tom Hiddleston. And Hemsworth's naked torso, star of the only gratuitous bit of nudity in that movie.
I notice the implication that she is "only" against gay marriage for political reasons. I'm tempted to think that throwing your own sister under the bus is a worse crime than sincere homophobia. Fine, you have an abstract stance against gay rights. You're a horrible person. But to sacrifice your kin on the altar of…
I really don't get the constant TSwift hate. So, when she was 18/19 she said she didn't identify as a feminist and we all want to chase her with pitch forks. Well, when I was 18, neither did I. I honestly thought Feminism meant burning bras and not shaving, and trying to be better than men, like it was some…
This will be a productive conversation that ends well.
If you think a fetus is a living person — I'm not saying it is or isn't — then logically you would think that person's right to live trumps the mother's right to bodily autonomy until the baby is born. We make that kind of ethical calculus all the time; balancing rights of different individuals against each other.
I've always thought a swift (and not too hard, obvs) slap across the leg/arm/butt of a misbehaving child is far less damaging than a harsh word. So sue me.
As a lifelong asthmatic who's gotten sick many times from as little as walking past smokers in front of a building, I don't think laws go far enough. Smokers are literally blowing poison into the air- it should be banned in all public places, indoors or out.
Nice generalization, there.
In recent weeks, much virtual ink has been spilled debating the role of alcohol in on campus sexual assaults. Should…
Honestly, this matches up pretty well with how I feel. (Minus the bit about God.) Did Zimmerman do some stupid, obnoxious, and aggressive things that led to him killing someone? Absolutely. But as far as I know, the stupid, obnoxious, and aggressive things he did were not actually illegal. And as for the…
Has anyone on this site considered the freakish possibility that Zimmerman's account at his trial actually happened the way he described it, didn't involve any measurable or meaningful amount of racism and that, at the end of the day, Zimmerman isn't an inherently evil, bad guy?
So what do you expect them to say?
"When an issue is as black and white as sexual violence, "Here is what I think is best for you," works, because stopping sexual violence IS what's best for Egyptian women. This is not a case of Westerners telling Egyptians how their voting laws should work, this is about Westerners saying that it's the 21st century,…
Are we suppose to ignore the effect religion has on misogyny and sexual violence against women, regardless of any particular practice? Are we only going to chime in when Rick Perry and the Merry Bible Thumpers write Christian Fundamentalism into secular law, yet ignore the beheadings, gang rapes, child prostitution,…
Zimmerman is on trial for second degree murder. Several witnesses and all available evidence supports Zimmerman's claim that he was attacked, losing the fight, and placed in a dangerous position. The medical examiner agreed on stand with the defense that Zimmerman's life was in danger (I did 2 years of MMA and they…
This is in incredibly poor taste and something that I would expect a non-lawyer to write. It's fine to disagree with Justice Thomas (I do frequently), but calling him "King Shit of Poop Mountain" is juvenile. If you want to criticize decisions then take a page from Volokh (or any major legal blog) and criticize the…