Hi CorpSec80,
Using your own wifi, email a threat to the President of the United States... That would do the trick real fast. NOT RECOMMENDED
Hi Rotoman3795,
Use Input Director... same program, but free.
Be paranoid, the four attacks below are free and easy to hack any wireless:
Ummm why do this? Download Trapster for Android or Iphone, does the same thing for free but better.
I use Connectify to always broadcast my own WIFI for my phone and friends. If I'm at an airport, I connect to the wifi on my laptop and a second wifi without permissions is resent out for my phone to autoconnect.
Mr Number is much better... instead of some wanna be directory, it takes names from other people's phone books that use Mr. Number. So if an unknown cell number calls you and its not online (whitepages.com) which cell phones are 99% never on, it pulls the phone number's contact name from someone who has it stored on…
WOW! My palm trio did this... Get with the times, use Mr Number app. Tells you the callers name 90% of the time and more.
You may be missing out on $2.50 a month in interest, but what about the 30% APR you could be paying off with the extra cash???
Check out my video tutorial on using hidden volumes in truecrypt to truly hide your data, even when your password is compromised (by your boss, police, hackers, chinese, etc)
Vote: One Note
www.Spokeo.com is the best way to find a user connected to an email address on a social network. If that doesn't work search on www.intellius.com. Its a pay site but it will confirm they have the information before you purchase the $2 search. Last but not least don't underestimate a basic Google search. For more tips…