Still, 3500 lbs for a two door, (essentially) two seat, small car is silliness.

Hey guys! Remember when manufacturers wanted to show their fast cars were serious so they fitted them with manual transmissions? Yeah. Those were the days!

He's only dancing because he ripped off and fucked over yet another customer...

Poor form.

Is it just me or do the tires look blurry, yet everything (besides the shaking leaves in the background of course) is perfectly clear. Thermal expansion of the tires? I would notice nerdy shit like this...

These new parking meters from Photo Violations Technologies basically make parking enforcement officers obsolete. They have cameras in them that can sense if a car is in a spot. If the meter expires and you haven't refilled it yet, it will actually take a picture of your license plate and then give you the option to

In retaliation, Chris Harris was found shagging Jeremy's wife.

This is pointless. If they're going to use the fastest Audi (minus the lightweight one), why would they not use the fastest Ducati? The Panigale has 32 more hp and weighs 41 pounds less. The Diavel is marketed as cruiser aimed at the Harley market, it isn't Ducati's superbike.