@jd & pauljones:
@jd & pauljones:
@pauljones: Do you by chance frequent [www.msgroup.org] ?
@craznoe: As a fellow rider, I would have to offer some advice: rethink commuting on your bike, and save your two-wheeled pleasure for the weekends.
@scingram: Nice placement of the Moon.
Best photo bomb ever.
@hike15: Was that a Hyundai running from the cops? /:o/
Anybody got a chainsaw?
@darksideguy: As others have made the point, you can drift around a track all you want, but, while the above was completely reckless (pun intended), it demonstrated a sh!t ton of skill...
@Jakooboo- Probably Giz's only gay dude.: What? Am I the only one who's left his peeler under his truck wheel?
@Jakooboo- Probably Giz's only gay dude.: That only happened once, and I think I learned my lesson.
See the internet IS our friend.
It should have pulled out in a cloud of smoke at the end.
The owner better have balls that size to take that thing to 275mph...
That's some real shade-tree mechanic genius there.
One of the best racing shots I've seen in a long time. Kudos!
@KamWrex: Ever ask the question why it works in cycles, or ebbs and flows?
Here are some beauties I shot at the Holmes County Fair (OH) last month:
Looks more like an new baby with a diaper.
smooth jazz...