OK. Everyone seems to be up in arms about Mars not having a magnetic field.
OK. Everyone seems to be up in arms about Mars not having a magnetic field.
@LeonJoe: And you should check your pessimism... ;o)
@alucard1116: Why "overcome" it?
@gemcosta: The only way people will care for this planet is if they think of it's wellbeing beyond their own life time, the same way of thinking that would be necessary for space exploration.
Would someone develop a four-iphone-button-pusher already.... geesh.
@ripfire: The only decent strategy I've looked into is to transport technology to the Moon, set up an industrial base there, construct the ships, and supply yourself with all the He-3 (FUSION!) you want, then launch much larger ships (a flotilla ideally) from the Moon.
@snownpaint1: Naw. Lets get up there and do some wild science experiments! Like see how life develops on a planet {without} a magnetosphere.
@mrgibblechip: you're right. better get started now!
@Antonio Lovemaker: READ KEPLER! Go find his New Astronomy, or Mysterium Cosmographicum.
@ripfire: yup. set up and base on the Moon, then jump from there to Mars.
And on top of that, look up the "The League of American Wheelmen."
Oh yeah, and another thing...
there is some serious hipster-hate up in here...
Ummm... a weekday evening? (apparently after sunset which is currently ~8:45pm)
Route 50 between Winchester, VW and Parkersburg, WV.
I'll take one.
@Møbius: shhh! Don't give them any ideas!
Sounds about right.