
Hey their 3 month on again off again relationship was built to last!

As of 2011 78.1% of the U.S. Population was white (according to the census), statistically men are far more likely to go on killing sprees. So isn't it statistically more likely that these sprees will be carried out by white men. It isn't the fact that they are white or "privileged." when you lay out the spread of

Yep, for sale right now, just not in the U.S.

How about fuck you psychotic people? Or fuck you anti-suicide advocates, stop talking these crazy people down?

Is it just me or does she look a little nutty in that vigil picture. Maybe choose a picture for a vigil that doesn't make everyone think she might have committed suicide any minute regardless of the prank.

How the hell is Undocumented Immigrants a "Person of the Year". What a friggin joke.

To be honest the App is damn good as a video fx app.........I can't fault it for that.

Here are people that actually bought it.

If you don't want kids.......just watch out for all your cats........don't want them jumping off the balcony because the mean man on the internet made a meme out of them

Agreed, and I have to say I am happy to see that it was the first mention of reviewers being totally out of touch in the article.

I used to laugh at my wife when we met because she thought house hunters was real (I was actually on an episode when my mom was looking for a house).

My son was born the same day! 10-11-12

Fucking tell me about it. These lazy fucks need to start paying attention.

If your South Korean you may want to be scared..... We really aren't too concerned with them attacking us, that thing would be shot down as quick as it went up. But the South Koreans are our allies and the North would love to eradicate them

That is about the norm right now. It isn't that bad but in this day and age of instant menus settings and navigation (i.e. phones, tablets, pc's) it does make the system feel a bit dated even though it is new. Hopefully a future update will reduce these times greatly.

Oh your so smart and funny, how can I learn to be more of a all knowing pompous ass like you?

Man that was close.....we almost had to switch to the 10-second rule

Why because obsessed gamers like myself that have a gaming PC, 2 Xbox 360's a PS3 and now 2 Wii U's wouldn't want one? (that's not including all the classic consoles). Oh thank you Mr Genius for enlightening us all.

You lost me at Young Jeezy

I don't think anyone ever turns their devices off........