I’m more interested in the stopping power

I’m more interested in the stopping power

This disgraceful show by all involved is an embarrassment to the quiet dignity and grace with which boxing has always carried itself. Don King must be spinning in his grave.

Man... I don’t have kids, but are they really as violent as this is suggesting?

You’re assuming that actually happens. I’ve yet to have a single scratch show up on mine, regardless of that rumor l.

As other folks have said in the thread, I wouldn’t buy the Switch for a young kid. I can’t slip it into my pocket, the 3DS has some amazing games and continues to do so, the dual screen thing is still unique, setting it apart from the Switch — so many things.

Not entirely true. I wouldn’t want to get a Switch for a kid (say 7-10). It’s so easily broken and is way too expensive. The DS line is perfect for kids. It’s relatively cheap for if it gets broken, it’s built sturdier, the clamshell design makes it easier to move around as well as prevent damage to the screen, and

1/2 the price :)

It is far, far better on the New 3DS.

Which is kind of a shame, because the 3D is really nice. Especially on the New 3DS.

100x this. hunters historically have also been the loudest conservationist voice in american politics.

Seriously? This is one scenario where the urban-rural divide is real, if this is honestly how city people think. I don’t support the “AWW POOR WHITE RURAL PEOPLE JUST WANNA BE RACIST!” idea, but hunting is not a systemic problem or criminal.

Mauled by hunting dogs is one thing - a thing that I’m pretty sure only happens in old aristocratic type fox hunts. Most hunters use guns, and the death is pretty quick. Who do you know that’s torturing the animals they hunt??

Ok, that’s weird. But is someone else in his group eating them? Because if so, I’m still ok with it. If he’s leaving carcasses to rot in the woods, I’m not.

I’d say most of the time hunting for sport still results in the hunted animal being eaten. I would certainly distinguish it from hunting exotic animals, or hunting animals and leaving the carcass in the woods to rot - that’s a gross practice that I’m not ok with.

I’m sorry, are you a vegetarian? Do you give this much shit to people who buy meat at the grocery store? Because if not, that’s a big load of hypocrisy. If you buy meat at the store, you may not have personally killed that animal, but you enabled the industry that did. And that animal likely suffered in both its life

Hunting cannot put someone in the same category as an asshole racist pedophile...

Oh for fucks sake. We spend almost twice the amount on healthcare each year than we do on the military. The reason we don’t have more money for healthcare is because we’re all a bunch of fat lazy assholes who don’t take care of ourselves.

*Sigh.* No. YOU’RE graph is misleading. His graph is a totality of the federal budget. You’re graph leaves out over half of the federal budget. Not to mention his response was to the OP who tried to smugly act as if these weapons are responsible for people not receiving healthcare when that is decidedly not the case.