Is this new plan very un-carrier like?
Is this new plan very un-carrier like?
Half-Life 2 still holds its place as my favorite game of all time. I appreciate and share your passion for it...
I am very happy with the 4100 inspite of how buggy CarPlay can be...
I am very happy with the 4100 inspite of how buggy CarPlay can be...
Spend the little bit extra and go with the NEX-4100...
Spend the little bit extra and go with the NEX-4100...
My, there sure is A LOT of saltiness in here today...
That is exactly what I was thinking...=)
“Like most Microsoft products, the Surface tablets are crashing”
I wanted to be a Game Councilor when I grew up back then. I couldn’t imagine a better job than getting paid to play video games, master them, and then walk people through difficult spots in levels while still playing video games...
It was 1986 and I was 11 when my mother gave us a NES for Christmas that included Super Mario Bros. and I was hooked. My first exposure was arcade Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. [my favorite at the time] which took may a quarter of mine at the local convenience store. To this day I will buy whatever new console Nintendo…
Surefire for my EDC [E1D LED Defender specifically]
Surefire for my EDC [E1D LED Defender specifically]
I didn’t notice the autocorrect until just now, thank you for playing along nonetheless kind sir and/or ma’am...
I didn’t notice the autocorrect until just now, thank you for playing along nonetheless kind sir and/or ma’am...
“I loved”
“I loved”
"At least this one guy gets it"
I can tell you that iOS 8 on now my second 6+ is garbage if you use bluetooth and are not a fan of lockups that require a hard reset...
Thank you, I learned some new tricks! As for the "Search for Keywords with Drag and Drop", you can Right Click/Control Click in Chrome and an option to 'Search Google for' is right there. This much quicker than dragging and dropping.
We tried to go the Ninja Mega Kitchen System route and the blade was dull within four months. Called the company and they would be happy to sell us more. Bought a Vitamin S30 after that and will never buy anything else...
I have almost two thousand logged hours on Team Fortress 2, it accompanied the Orange Box with Half-Life 2 w/Episode 1 and Portal [all of which I played quite a bit] for fifty dollars. I would have to say by far it is the best return I have received on a purchase...
We are in Atlanta/Buford often and it is definitely cooler. 'You' did not mention it happened in the middle of summer, but you were referencing another's comment regarding their temperature ranges of 90°s-100°s. I assumed you were comparing within context, my apologies if this was not the case...
Where in Georgia? Here in Savannah, Georgia we are not so fortunate as to see 78° days in the summer, that would be our late fall and winter...
Head and finger gestures on the side most likely. I want to try this out on my Glass...