
Does anyone else get the feeling something bad is going to happen?

Any Jeanne d'Arc (PSP) fans? Game came out a few years ago but it is one of my favorite RPG and PSP game of all time. Such a great SJRPG! Wish more people could play it too. That and a sequel would be great.

It really sucks when any business shuts down. I hope people are back on their feet sooner rather than later.

The PSP is home to some really great strategy RPGs, so it's really confounding none have made the list. Any or all of these 3 would have been worthy.

"This list will be updated if and when we discover better games. We will only ever list 12 games, at the most."

Seriously. Chains of Olympus over Ghost of Sparta? Bullocks!

Yes! A highlight of the system. Loco Roco should be on here as well.

The PSP is so incredibly underrated. And I don't think I've seen anyone extolling the benefits of Valkyria Chronicles 2 - another one that could be on this list.

This list is terrible. No Y's? No Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Skies? No Valkyria Chronicles 2?, No Dissidia? No Jeanne d'arc, No Monster Hunter? on this list? please next time get someone who knows the PSP library to make this list. Seriously the only game on this list worth playing is Persona 3 Portable.

God of War Ghost of Sparta is IMO is the BEST God of War game of the two.

Lumines 2 isn't the one you want. The first game had a better soundtrack to it which is one of my top concerns with music games.

Lots of derivative stuff that's not even the best the system has to offer. Tactics Ogre, Trails in the Sky, Crisis Core and Dissidia deserve a place in there.

Where's DJ Max Portable, Monster Hunter, Jeanne d'Arc, Disgaea, Hot Shots Golf. I am disappointed. Still great list though!

Time to be the umpteenth guy to complain, but this list is sorely lacking some of the PSP's best games, Kingdom Hearts, Crisis Core, Tactics Ogre, Monster Hunter, Ys, Trails of the Sky, and Dissidia. I guess whoever picked these isn't all to in to RPG's, which is weird because apparently they have a PSP.

Seriously no Crisis Core or Valkyria Chronicles II? Hard to take this seriously at all. There are other games that should've made the list too. Tactics Ogre, Birth by Sleep, Jeanne D'Arc and Ridge Racer should've made the list as well.

Hey, where's the love for Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky?

No Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, The Third Birthday, or Valkyria Chronicles II? Come on now. Still, really glad P3P got mention. Such an amazing game. Absolutely loved it. MGS Peace Walker is certainly one of my favorites and without a doubt one of the most technically impressive games on the PSP.

Lumines II? Gotta disagree on that, if only to replace it with Lumines I which was fully composed by the insanely talented Shinichi Osawa, compared to II which had some of the original LI levels.