
what in the fuck does this have to do with girls (specifically hot ones) or grandma glasses?


The problem is that Glass is the most inconspicuous. It's much easier to tell when someone's recording you with an iPhone (or a webcam!) than with a pair of glasses.

This seems like a study to confirm the obvious. "You can get someone's phone PIN by watching them enter it from 9 feet away."

I especially liked the parts of the article that mentioned ALL the ways someone could record your PIN, but the headline only mentions Google Glass. Heck, Glass apparently had the LOWEST percentage of getting the PIN right compared to the other devices tested. More nonsensical Gawker Glass hate.

Now playing

Mine may not be THAT close, but it's pretty freakin' close. (turn the speed down to 0.25)
I was just MASHING that button in hopes the Piranha Plant would push me ahead, and boy did it ever... just barely.

I've done it that's why I know lol

My bad, misread your post.

With the long-awaited release of Mario Kart 8, it's a great time to get a Wii U. Luckily, Target is running a nice promotion to flesh out your library. Just buy two select games, and you'll get a third free. Plus, Nintendo is still running a promotion to get a free game when you buy Mario Kart 8, so if that's one of

Or, for a franchise that actually makes money, Pokemon Snap.

Still pretty stupid you can't use the character online.

Going back to his concerns of bullying, Sakurai notes that the ability to use Mii fighters in online play is disabled when playing against people you don't know. "We don't want the online play to become a copyright free-for-all and it's probably not as fun to play against someone using a character based on someone you

He's dead, Jim. But I can save twenty percent on a new gas grill!

I'll have one if it is free with Prime.

these would be the best for using with motorcycle helmets

This looks like a video game, you know, when you walk to the edge of something and should fall but because of the way the game works there's a sort of invisible floor. Because I can't see what this guy is standing on, lol, so it looks like he has one of those invisible floors beneath him like a game.

Compared to Yoshi's ass stare:

Forget iMessage, everyone should be using TextSecure

I find it amazingly coincidental that this was posted on my birthday.