I <3 u guys but goddamn...
I <3 u guys but goddamn...
That's what she said.
That's what I've doing on our new CX-5. The interest rate was the same on either a 60 month, or a 72 month loan. I took the 72 month loan for those months when things get tight, but the rest of the time, I pay extra.
I live I'm Milwaukee and drive 25 miles each way to work. One car got 29%, while the other got 30%.
So if I barrel up the off-ramp at 60 mph, execute a hand-brake left turn just as the light at the top of the ramp turns yellow, power drift through the intersection with full opposite lock, straighten out then pull into the office parking lot with 45 seconds to spare before my obligatory Monday morning conference…
Just get an OBD programmer , like a Superchips module, and set your tire size to half of what it is now. You get 14MPH per second for your braking limit, and your driving distance is halved as well.
I earned a substantial discount.
actually easy. It's a big device and sticks out. Eyes never leave the road. And it's usually when the light changes and you HAVE to brake hard or run the red light
With State Farm's version at least, you had to have no more than X miles as part of your daily driving. I round trip 64 miles to work and home. My maximum savings was only going to be something like 2%. I laughed and went on with my day. $2 a month savings just didn't make up for the mental terror that device would…
Box Flares. Box Flares. Box Flares...maybe if I keep saying it.
Please don't request Doug do a technical article on anything. He's frequently wrong about nearly everything in it. He's opinionated and to some people funny, but for God's sake none of this should be taken as advice. He doesn't know anything about cars aside from being able to drive them.
So Doug's next car has A/C. That' eliminates some fun choices. No Morgan 3-wheeler for Doug!
Wouldn't heavier vehicles inherently use more gas than lighter vehicles, thus paying more tax over time? I'm sure it doesn't scale exactly proportionally, but I would certainly use less gas in my Impreza than a dump truck would.
Meanwhile in Texas...
What we should really do here is raise the speed limits. 55mph is not a reasonable limit on 495 and 66; anyone going over 75mph can be charged with "reckless driving."
I'd be much cooler with 75mph limits that are strictly enforced, rather than 55mph limits where you get a ticket if the officer is having a slow day.
if you think that is the sole thing that makes an S class unreliable, then i dont even know what to say to you. everyone reading this, take it as a satire, these are the worst cars a human could possibly own. do not ever buy for any reason ever
Nope. Mostly book club, and that kind of thing.
Origin of life on earth right there. Some aliens left a bunch of poop on earth some 4ish billion years ago and thought nothing of it.
the whole surface movement was kinda ruined by shoehorning windows rt into the cheaper models.
I found out very recently that a lot of people do this. And, it's kind of improved my life, since this now allows me to give the benefit of the doubt to many people who use the under orientation. However, if they use the under and have no pets, then I still viciously judge them.
In my opinion, pets (and potentially kids) are the only valid reason for deviating from the proper orientation.