
The "results" paragraph was a little light. How "mass" was the mass exodus? Why did they leave if they weren't dependent on commission? What was the customer service outcome? Any experiences from actual customers leaving satisfied? How did their prices compare to other dealers'?


Did they change the front at all?

It's like if your worst enemy went to the courthouse, changed his name from Bill to John and you kept screaming "BITE ME BILL".

It's "Ally" now.

I don't think Jesus ever had a driver's license, so he wouldn't have to worry about that anyways.

Hotcakes sell like Toyotas, there is a direct scientific correlation.

At one point Lexus wasn't a major player either, but surely you would put them above Cadillac at this point. Everyone starts somewhere, and it is easy to say that "it isn't going to work", but few people recognize actions that might actually work in the long run. Think about pre-art+science Cadillac and tell me they

I get the joke, this just left a sour taste after that delicious article :)

Toyotas sell like hotcakes to people who couldn’t care less. In a junkyard stuff just sits around.

On the flip side, this has probably given them more press in a few days than they’ve had in the last decade.

If you only look at the US market, however, you'll see the opposite story. VW has tailored vehicles to the US market just like Toyota has, but they did it much less successfully than Toyota. Personally I would like to see more of the European VWs here because they look to be much nicer cars.

Another fine example of how Toyota has not "VWed" itself.

Static line jumping can lead to death even if there are no trees. In the two non-training jumps I did we had a broken neck and fatality, among other injuries.

I like it so much less now :(

I'm left handed and shake with the right. Writing and shaking are related about like apples and dog shit.

A shared platform is not the "VWing" that has resulted in lower sales. The shared platform allowed them to lower development costs. Their poor product development and understanding of the market is something Toyota will probably not be copying anytime soon.

Everyone bags on automakers for re-doing their naming schemes, but if you had put a gun to my head and told me to order the Merc SUVs by size using their "old" names only, I would be dead right now.

Was just thinking the same thing, hoping someone posted the pics of the sportspace. Thanks. Working in the auto industry, I get that some themes cannot make it into production based on physical limitations of being able to mass produce something, but these "production preview" cars don't seem to have too many of those

This this this. Presidential runs are a marketing campaign more carefully crafted than an independent movie that is trying way too hard to get every single detail right. I would like to meet one of these poor souls that has to do this work to perfect these ideas of "people".