
You may think him hypocritical, but he's simply apolitical.

It seems to make sense logically that you could make the immune system react to it. Maybe you just can't kill it in time? Either that or the stuff is just defective to begin with, though I wouldn't have expected it to go so far unless it succeeded in animal trials.

Gravitational tides from the orbit of the moon?

This makes sense. The brain is vicious when it comes to making itself more efficient, killing memories at will just to run faster. If it considers the computer to be a reference, then of course it won't bother remembering.. It is trying to be more efficient and it's going to be more efficient if you use the

Well, at least they didn't give it to us. That would have just been insulting.

The last thing they tried making super-bees, they succeeded. Today, you know it as the Africanized Honey Bee.

Amazingly, I was actually able to read most of the linked article. (Maybe three years of spanish actually did teach me something lol.)

Definitely did not think of altitude when I saw this...

So.. I'm assuming he's right handed, so he would both throw and shoot with his right hand. Either he is left handed, or he has one heck of an advanced prosthetic to actually be able to fire a weapon. I know that most weapons nowadays are for both lefties and righties, but a lot of lefties just learn to shoot on

Okay.. There are a lot of people that don't like the Arizona law. There are a lot of people that don't like what we're doing in the Middle East. Why are they going after the police and soldiers? By and large the country stands behind law enforcement and the military. We may not agree on what they should do, but

This is definitely very cool tech, anything that can save the lives of our soldiers is a welcome addition. That said, super-size this and put it on a predator! Seriously! If this thing can detect bombs like this, put it on a predator and let it scan EVERYTHING. It's probably simpler to scan everything since you

I'm not saying that the budget of the military can't be or shouldn't be trimmed, but this article just seems almost incendiary... It definitely can be and should be. However, it's still going to cost more than NASA no matter what by a long shot. Militaries are always extremely expensive.

I hope they can keep their player base high enough... In a lot of ways, I see this as possibly evolving into a land-based EVE where players end up ruling a good chunk of it. With so much possibility for advancement, ranking, customization, and the ability to issue orders, this really is going to end up with a strict

That's definitely a good point. My dog's mother was my grandmother's dog, so I've basically known him since he was a day old. If you do rescue dogs though, then you definitely might need something to do it. But yeah, this mechanism just doesn't seem good.. It seems like it would hurt your hand if it started

lol I guess that's true. Train when young? My dog's half sled dog and I periodically have him pull me around on rollerblades and I know he can pull me off my feet (he did so when he was a puppy and only about half-grown). Now though, he doesn't go taught on the leash ever and if he sees an animal that he would love

If a dog is properly trained, it shouldn't need this...

It dilates or constricts depending on the occasion. I think they also have little hairs on the inside to help catch dust and what not... So, if it can't change size, that won't be a big deal, he just won't have the same reaction to adrenaline and histamines.

I saw a pair of these at ShoeCarnival... I tried them on because they happened to have my size (which is rare for any type of shoe simply because I have big feet). They were so comfortable, by far the most comfortable any shoe has ever been, but I felt like I was committing a social crime by wearing them (coming

I'm like the only person on the face of the planet that doesn't like any variation of Coke aside from caffeine free diet coke.. I grew up with a mom that is hyper-sensitive to caffeine and a brother with type I diabetes... As a result, I just grew up with it and now it's an acquired taste.. I like my cfdc...

I'm torn... If it helps dyslexics, I'd expect it would help everyone else, but that font is so dang ugly... Style or function? Hmm...