
That said, YouTubers do need to make their money.

“That said, YouTubers do need to make their money”

God forbid they have to get jobs....

“Oh, Saban must be the company that makes Power Rangers. Like Marvel’s Avengers.” - Normal person who can figure stuff out.

No it didn’t. That’s the biggest myth of the series, and Lucas has so successfully fooled most people that history has almost been successfully rewritten.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

Hey, show-lovers!

So he now fails to recognize his SON from two feet away?

Video game people are every bit as dumb as sports fans and twice as sensitive. And I say that as someone who watches sports and plays video games.

Holy crap, there are people complaining about this? And you wonder why gamers are often considered whiny.

Why NOT do this? You lose nothing if you just play the levels in order anyway. Come on, people.

Let’s say you absolutely loved chapter 6. But you sold the game and your console. Years later, you pick the game up on

You don’t need anything beyond the films other than paying attention to understand what a dream sequence is and to get that this Thanos guy we keep seeing bits of is the one behind everything.

I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan. I consumed the Dark Horse comics, many of the novels, and so on.

My issue is that the integrity of worldbuilding relies on the integrity of supporting said worldbuilding.

Thank you. I’m firmly of the camp that there was no need to do a full-on “reboot” and they could have simply overwritten the post-Endor era for their new stuffs.

To be fair, he only was wearing an “A” for a preseason game in which the Sharks didn’t bother to bring any veterans/people that you’d rather see as a captain.

Masochistic Sharks fan here. I did not approve of the Torres signing to begin with. A lot of Sharks fans argue that he’s reckless but not intentionally trying to injure people, that he’s different from Matt Cooke and the like. Not dirty but “overzealous.” This is what I hear in the fanbase, but I have generally

I’ve had this game since launch but I’ve been afraid to even try it until it’s completely patched up. I think WB should change that last line to “in addition, support for all DLC that has been released for the console versions will be in place AND FREE.” Any word on what the price will be? $50 would be a joke at this

“Stiffing him by taking the 20 percent off is exactly what he deserved.”

I’ve always read Supes as a pretty somber fellow, so the evolution in the films towards Man of Steel didn’t bother me one iota. And anyone who thinks Snyder was heavier on the Christ metaphor is simply not recalling or is willfully misremembering because of nostalgia or whatever how BLATANTLY DIRECT the first Superman

I remember walking past the big old frat houses during pledge time and hearing the silly chanting coming from them. Man did I laugh and laugh...