
So your main concern is that the source material has shaky and arguably illogical reasons for the characters to behave the way the do.

Now playing

“We can discuss the nonchalant murder of children as a mere narrative hook in a mainstream superhero comic at some later date.”

I swear my sophomore English teacher showed us a version of Romeo & Juliet that had brief nudity. This was pre-internet, so any glimpse of boobs was legitimately a big deal.

Honestly, i still don’t get why they dropped him and went with a new Spider-Man for MCU.

This image makes me cringe every time I see it.

Please go to the police if you are ever raped and there’s literally DNA evidence to the rape strewn about where you wake up. I know the police get a bad rap, but the vast majority of them genuinely do want to help you. I completely understand fear, especially in this situation (if it’s true), but fearing the police

Tl;dr Stop doing that you idiot.

Guns serve no purpose (outside of Greg’s very explicit list) in 2015 America

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

You know, I had a good time with it. Far better than Rise and Salvation. It felt like it belonged with 1 and 2, even if it would be the weakest of those three to me.

Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.

The last time I bought a physical release I was greeted by a download code and a 5 page “manual” which mainly consisted of the usual disclaimers. That was ages ago. I never bothered with a physical release again since then. The best part was the information on the box that this is part of their new “ecological”

So Reed is totally sacrificing himself to save everything in Secret Wars.

Several of those questions are answered pretty early. Also, they’re all pretty obviously going to be yes, otherwise it’d be a very short, boring movie.

I got Trump and Hathaway correct. Pretty sure that means I’m going to Hell or something.

No. Just no.

What was the finale of MASH like?

No. This isn’t a What If? It’s a reality constructed by Doom. There was no Annihilation Wave in this universe.

I can’t tell if the new app is just designed for a different demographic, but ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO BE ABLE TO SHUFFLE ALL OF MY MUSIC AND SKIP SONGS!