
Would you prefer it masquerade as news like on some other channels?

People just LOVED Josh Trank after Chronicle.

<makes snide remark about being a second hand vegetarian>

You picked the wrong wrestling game:

I’m one of the few people, it seems, that has no problem whatsoever with the edits and re-releases. That doesn’t mean I like Jedi Rocks, for example, but I accept it. Because for every Jedi Rocks, there are hundred edits big and small that actually do make the movies better. Whether it’s coloration, sound, or even

Wasn’t that “Pym” the Skrull Pym, though?

I can’t believe they pushed Raimi out for this crap. If there had been two or three additional Raimi movies and then a reboot for Marvel everyone would’ve been okay with that, but another reboot after a misguided redirection was such a stupid path to go down, even if Andrew Garfield was really good.

This is the status quo for mobile games. “review us, get in-game currency.” They just ported a mobile game to Steam and didn’t think too hard about the consequences. I really can’t blame them, though it probably should have been researched a little.

Fuck off Steam Community.

Sometimes i seriously hate how stupid the steam community is.

Or because humans aren’t required to learn every single talent on the planet. Sorry if some of us don’t meet your standards of survival and proper equality. If it makes you feel better, I don’t know how to throw a football, nor do I care, but I can sew because that’s enjoyable.

Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.

Dunno if anyone will read this, considering the sheer amount of responses yet, anyhoo here goes.

Iron Man rip off?

I don’t understand why this warrants an in-depth discussion. Pirating a game currently available on the market, regardless of reason, is theft. Anyone trying to convince himself or herself otherwise is deluded in this regard.

Your pirating of movies and TV shows can really be summed up as “I am entitled and think I should get things on my terms. Clearly, I give more shits about my own personal philosophy than giving you money on terms you as the rightsholder have dictated.”

Holy crap the entitled people in this world. I had some sympathy for those the riaa was after for music. No more. Get them. Sue the living fuck out of them. They don’t care who they rob so I don’t care what happens to them. Next they will justify other crimes because they deserve them.

Those are usually the mental midgets that don’t quite grasp that gaming is a want not a need

Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.