
How does X-Men Origins: Wolverine not make the list?

The “real” Ultimate Universe ended when it collided with the regular Marvel Universe back in Secret Wars #1. Everyone in this issue except for Miles were recreations made by Dr. Doom.

So we have Cait and Moriarty from Fallout 3, both with Irish accents. I want to know how they came by these accents. Are they actually from an Irish Wasteland and braved a trip across the radioactive Atlantic?

Spielberg is directing. So, that seems pretty doubtful.

Technically you can max everything, but you would need to be somewhere around level 250 to do so.

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Someone better tell this little girl that she’s not allowed to like this outfit.

I have a scope on mine but there are other mods that require more perk ranks and I don’t remember what they were. I currently have 2 ranks in all the crafting perks so you gotta invest to trick this thing out.

Nightcrawler is one of the main characters in Extraordinary X-men. Coincidentally, issue #1 came out today!

I’m sorry but no Best of Gamecube list can be complete without Eternal Darkness.

Why? The movie isn’t Ghostbusters 3. It’s Ghostbusters: The Reboot.

“Is Spider-Man in league with the DEVIL??? Fox reports. You decide.”

Halfway through watching this episode last night I thought to myself “Why am I watching this when Agents of Shield does the whole ‘people with powers are being hunted’ storyline soooo much better?”

Is there a source on any of this?

Nitpick time. This isn’t from Contest of Champions #1. It’s from All-New All-Different Marvel Point One. Yes, Stick has been ressurected and will appear in CoC but he’s only in one panel in #1 and he’s standing in the background of a group shot.

Why would it change anyone’s mind? I’ve never watched a movie in a theater and thought “I didn’t like that. But maybe I’ll like it better on a smaller screen a few months from now...”

It was literally right outside a school. Namorita had Nitro pinned against a school bus when he blew.

I actually really enjoyed the parts set during the 80s.

It’s hilarious. The humor really sets it apart from the other recent Telltale games.

But will it give you a hilarious high-pitched voice in your final moments?

No one calls them Moors. The correct answer is the Moops.