
Stupid nigger. If you don’t think Deadspin of all places sticks up for the plight of the poor black man, then you must feel victimized constantly. This is the biggest excuse making liberal rag you’re going to find. If you think Gawker is too hard on you, you need to just crawl back into your mother’s womb. You can’t

I blew a Deadspin editor so my horrendous puns have to be seen by everyone.

Shitty Pete Carroll joke.

That seems kind of dangerous with all the stuff the guys were on. I know for one that amphetamines and Viagra aren’t a good combination.

I assume because he was hitting .500 with 5 home runs in 20 at bats and hit one of them off Mad Bum. No wait, baseball players are babies. This site sucks dick. Tom Ley is a faggot. No one will ever read this.

You don’t need evidence that a rape DIDN’T happen. It’s the other way around. I swear, you guys are the same people 100 years ago with the pitchforks and nooses. Gawker would have had Jameis Winston hanging by a tree in 1920. The concept of innocent until proven guilty is being completely thrown out as it applies to

How did she get raped?

What a stupid comment. Do you think he was literally smashing his keyboard when he typed that? He put as much into that comment as you put into yours.

Psychopaths don’t have much of a startle response.

So lolsports. Then why the fuck are you here?

This is literally something out of a Chappelle Show skit. You’re pathetic.

Are you white? Then it’s racist for you to even be asking this question. Go make some horrible puns about this story, then you can get out of the grey.

You think 46 likes are enough to have your comment out of the gray? Think again. This comment is funnier than the 5 pages of unfunny Deadspin ballwashers I just had to sift through.

Let’s give Andrew Harrison the greatest benefit of the doubt while giving the white people commenting on it the least benefit of the doubt, then maybe we can shift the focus back to white racism.

Let’s give Andrew Harrison the greatest benefit of the doubt while giving the white people commenting on the story the least benefit of the doubt, then maybe we can shift the focus back to white racism.

Why do we have to read your bullshit just because you ballwashed some Deadspin writer? Your posts are the stupidest takes on this topic. “Let’s give Andrew Harrison the greatest benefit of the doubt while giving the white people the least benefit of the doubt, then maybe we can shift the focus back to white racism.”

Because he says “fuck that nigga” when he thinks we aren’t listening. But yeah that guy is just being a white racist. Let’s keep the topic on giving Harrison the greatest benefit of the doubt and the white people commenting on him the least benefit of the doubt. This is really some bizarro world.

I think they're just advertising rappers that throw them some money. That explains the incredibly generalized writing about rappers who would have a very niche appeal. It comes off as not having a genuine interest or understanding of them. If there's anyone that should be writing about them, it's not Billy Haisley

That’s not an obnoxious question you retarded faggot. They should ask Kaminsky’s teammates what it was like for Kentucky to guard him? Stupid fuck.