Frank Bromley

Dear the entire Catholic church,

Please do not ever open your fucking mouth ever fucking again on the topics of decency, dignity, or morality, until you stop sheltering child rapists and child torturers from the rule of secular law. You are a morally bankrupt institution. It doesn't matter how many hungry people you

actually the rarest yugioh card ever is the infamous tyler the great warrior:…

tldr; a boy developed embryonal sarcoma and the make a wish foundation contacted him asking what he would like them to do to help him through this tough time. His dream was to design a yugioh card of his

They need to re-arrange what we call 'alphabetical order' to match the keyboard layout. Little kids in kindergarten should be singing their QWE's instead of ABC's. Laugh if you want, but the future is NOW! :)

this is Gundam not Pacific Rim.

Be careful following those links. I first saw this next Tuesday, clicked, and now I'm back here.

Wow. A save the date for birthdays? WTF?

Still a better lovestory than Twilight.

It sounds like her main complaint is that the media will focus on the porn stars when she thinks there's a lot more to the game than that.

Thing is, I doubt most people who hate on the newer Simpsons episode have even watched an episode in the last 5 years. I have a coworker who whenever it comes up just bitches that "The Simpsons are dead" even though he admits to only just seeing the 30-second promos.

EVE Online - Often more fun to read about than to actually play.

Personally, I'd kill to see Darkwing Duck make an appearance. Even if it was just as a summons.

#666 is going to be a Legendary Beast. It's clearly stated in Pokédex 13:18.

That's... surprisingly heart-warming...

A copyright law has been broken? Send in the SENSE OF RIGHT ALLIANCE!


Though, question: Are they suggesting that systems SHOULD lock out used games? Isn't that what we DON'T want? Funny, just...what?

No mention of Ironman's recasting of warmachine? That one drove me crazy, I really don't like Don Cheadle... Terence Howard was way better to play opposite Robert Downey Jr as a moral compass rather than Don Cheadle playing the "stop holding me down, I gotta prove myself to... others and myself"

In other words, "Blarhaghaghar! Harghgle blargle!"