Frank Bromley

if you can call a 5-minute Gravure scene with 3 girls playing highschoolers in bikinis “innocuous” then YES the scene in FOurze was “innocuous”

and i don’t mean they were just in a scene there acting it LITERALLy cuts to them posing and smiling for a camera for that long in the scene that takes place there was weirdly

he totally has a case for a first amendment lawsuit on 2k esp since they sent investigators to his house 

i bet Geek and sundry does this since Alpha tanked 

I actually think the winner had the weakest design from a character standpoint

well he came in second last time and now looks younger so who knows

seems like there is a market in the game for pirate hunters and or escort craft along shipping lanes

okay I’ve tried 3 different ways to upload mine looks fine when I insert it but when I hit publish there is nothing so screw it 

not the most original but the XBox Conference started when I was working so that’s where my head went

A policy that lead to the very first Easter egg

okay smartass lets see yours

would be super cool if they made a YUGIOH game for the switch where you could arm mount the unit like a duel disk

Steamworld Heroes is an action card game yes

it’s their own fault for the convoluted ass Sombra ARG they built now any tiny change is scrutinised

thats why fans are 99% sure Sojurn is the next hero

i mean if you are gonna have one last announcement at e3 that would be one HELL of a send off

they aren’t free YET maybe monday

never let me go is very similar to a certain forgotten neverland

Now playing

OH! I was looking for other ways to do it this one specifically says it’s Gluetin free

why would you sue cause you are makign money over brand confusion  

TBH i’d rather just have a game that taught me how to play shogi without the sexy girl pics