spoiler warning at the top of the article it’s your own fault
spoiler warning at the top of the article it’s your own fault
i’ve been mentioning tara in every overwatch related post over my social media since i read this article
blizzard better hire her while she’s cheap
for 200 bucks i could make ones that look more like what was promised and have money left over
KEK is LOL in the other factions language in WOW (the two factions can’t talk to each other in the game world as they “speak different languages” if you try you get a line of gibberish but players quickly realised certain words could translate so totally apt that the alt right would use it when everyone is laughing at…
in mystery men i was just asong in shrek it was the opening theme
The only ones I’ve ever seen or the ones we teams up with Kamen Rider Den o but yeah this seems to track with what I know of the character
Asa econdary maybe his primary would be shooting energy bolts from his sword
maybe undertale
this is only slightly less then what we had for doomfist
it would be if it wasn’t an anime about boys who transform into Lego blocks that turn into robots was called Daigata Defendors
they look like avengers reskins
if mercy is still alive it ain’t a team wipe plus everyone knows to prioritize healers over tanks for attacking
wow Kotaku siding with the guy who sued someone without cause didn’t exspect that
thanks for saying something almost as stupid as what happened in charlotteville
should have based it on an american Parody law would have protected them
because it’s concept art from the wrong game
so is widowmaker she has a wrap skirt on