
I saw Williem Dafoe in person and he is a little scary! Sooo.


That gif is so disturbing. :(

That is so awful. I want to time travel to awesome 7 year old you and tell her how brave and awesome she is.

Nothing like some honest advertising to save a girl some time.

But Ben Vereeeeen!!!

I'm wondering about that myself. My wife got rid of her UB when she found me. But I don't dare become a UB myself.

Blah blah blah American assumptions about race bing bong bing how would they know? Skippity doo the Klan isn't necessarily racist yadda yadda yadda no one outside of the States has heard of blackface so it doesn't count kablamo whamo SO WE CAN'T EVEN LOVE AFRICA ANYMORE? zoobley zoo You're the real racists.

Careful. My sister went out on a date with a guy who was in his late 50s. Right off the bat, he let her know that he'd been unemployed for a year (his LinkedIn profile says otherwise), he wasn't independently wealthy, and he lived with his sister. When asked how he spent his time, he said he has a lot of "hobbies"

I'm copy pasting, sorry! My problem was with the OP's concern of "I just don't get what she thinks the advantage to hiding it is." Let's not forget that her success is partly due to the fact that she DOESN'T care about being the thinnest, hottest woman around. That IS her image. It's frustrating to me that no matter

My problem was with the OP's concern of "I just don't get what she thinks the advantage to hiding it is." Let's not forget that her success is partly due to the fact that she DOESN'T care about being the thinnest, hottest woman around, folks. That IS her image. It's frustrating to me that no matter what a woman does,

I'm sure you'd be first in line to see the Atlanta False Equivalencies.

When you're chugging down a coffee

Really dont see the big deal about changing the name. Just change the mascot to a potato and the problem is solved

Reporter: What sort of relationship do you two have? I mean, this is a pretty low thing to do...


It's not just Texas - there's a reason our whole country is always on the brink of sliding backwards due to conservatives. I really hate when there is a story about one state and everyone jumps on as if that one state is The Problem in American politics.

And I wouldn't mind if that kid got pushed in front of the school bus.

She described herself as "destitute"....I think we all know what her motives are. And the statement she made about them: "I want to establish a relationship with them and be allowed to monitor their religious and academic education as well as the disciplinary techniques used in raising them and to know who the people

"Pardon me stewardess, I speak Jive."