
This happens more than most would like to admit. However many, many survive this ordeal, and once finished with the BAR call themselves lawyers.

I totally agree with not liking a brand just solely based on trying one product and sticking to that name.

I totally agree with not liking a brand just solely based on trying one product and sticking to that name.

Modern medicine is a real miracle. Here’s hoping Bentley lives a long and fulfilling life!

Oh man. I adore her books and read them over and over as a kid. I’m pretty sure she is the reason I started getting into true crime stuff which I’m still a huge fan of. Her responding to me on a jez post was one of the best things ever. She seemed like such a rad woman.

Did you know that every time you use the phrase “social justice warrior” an angel flies down from heaven to take a giant invisible shit on your face? Then you’re walking around with your head and face and shoulders dripping with the stuff, and no one can quite see it or smell it but they know there’s something wrong

Tig for the win (always). I like Schumer but she was out of line on this one. Commenting on Tig’s appearance (perceived) and personal experience on the road are none of her business and speculation.

Do not Google “Bears in bathtubs” at work unless you work somewhere very progressive and/or somewhere in the midst of a bankruptcy.

Remember, he’s not an athlete who made a mistake: he’s a criminal who can swim.

Kudos to you for putting up a balanced post. This is why it’s so hard to have a meaningful debate because both sides are too busy pointing the finger at each other to recognize that they are both full of shit.

“Ah, a tasty morsel.”

Galileos are rare. Super-rare. That’s why we use a 16th century astronomer as our benchmark for a misunderstood pioneer in his time. Most science is boring, incremental, and highly collaborative. I’m not saying there aren’t other examples, but keep in mind, that’s selection bias at work. They’re the ones we hear about

I’m not saying we release chickens into the wild, I’m saying we stop producing them in mass with no regard for their well being just so we can have cheap meat.

Why does the internet care SO FUCKING MUCH about this one tragedy, that resulted in the (yes, horrible) death of a gorilla, but not the ho hum, another toddler shot him/herself or another person to death tragedies that happen constantly? I love animals. I adore them. I give freely to animal welfare groups as my

If I have to hear from one more person that wild animals deserve the right to live in their natural habitat, and zoos shouldn’t exist, I’m going to scream. DUH. But so many of the animals kept at zoos are there because we’ve demolished their natural habitat. Do we let them go extinct? Is that better? What about the

Assuming Cincinatti Zoo is a quality zoo, and not some dodgy backwater full of corruption and mistreatment, I will trust the keepers’ snap decision. It can’t have been an easy one, but had to be immediate.

#Alllivesmatter until it’s a black kid vs. an animal nobody usually cares about.
And it’s obviously the mom’s fault and not a zoo where a 4 year old kid can easily climb a fence and fall with the gorillas. :(

Classic toddler handling. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it.

While tragic, the loss of this gorilla, we also slaughter one million chickens per day, so we can shove cheap meat into our fat faces.