
I agree with you, but this woman did everything she was supposed to do to get better at taking care of the baby. The answer for her is not to take her child away, but to set her up with some kind of program to teach, help, and maybe monitor her until she is competent enough.

She said she didn’t want to read books about white boys and their dogs. But the real crime is that you were forced to feel :( Please keep telling us about how Black girls needing to see positive representations in literature is about you. I’d really like to hear more.

The point is that dogs are seen as more deserving protagonists for children’s books than black girls. There’s nothing wrong with reading about dogs (I loooooooove dogs). But there’s a problem when so many authors are seeing them as more relatable than black human girls.

I have to correct your statement about wifi antennas, if you have a 10kW wifi antenna, the FCC is gonna be knocking at your door real quick. The transmitter limit for point to multipoint wifi bands is 1 Watt (30dBm) at the output, and 4 Watts (36dBm) EIRP with a 6db gain antenna. That’s mostly for non-consumer grade

It’s actually not. At the power levels this puts out, there’s no evidence that there is any harm to organic matter. Beyond that, it uses time-reversal symmetry to actually point the waves in a direction of least resistance. That means, when the beacon recognizes that there is an obstruction to the device, it will

This is really, really good advice, with exceptions... Personally I would love to buy quality clothes that would last years, but I’m a trans woman so my shape has been changing since I started transitioning 2 years ago. I had to swap out almost all my “men’s” clothing items for “women’s” clothes. Added to that my body

Hollywood and Bollywood movies are treated like a business, they’re created to make money. Studios can spend $150 million on a film and people will go see it just because they want to know what a movie that cost so much looks like. They offer roller coaster rides; fast, safe and entertaining, designed to attract the

Hybridization is a form of Genetic modification thats been done for thousands of years.

It’s just a different perspective. I get it. Most people I know not from cities don’t really “get” it either. But let me explain:

If more dirty, criminal cops were dealt with in this way, we would not be having this crisis of mistrust in the police. The only way to deter criminal cops is to rigorously prosecute them and fire them.

I have zero sympathy for this asshole. Justice has been served.

A token LGBT character would be an red shirt who has no back story who just makes random appearance with only a few lines. An LGBT captain would be the opposite of that.

The people literally drew pictures of themselves with different skin colors, and it was obvious when they were drawing white people, very dark black people, medium-brown people, etc. Ancient Egypt was a busy place with lots of different types of people. It’s in Africa. What do the people from the countries right next

Because it’s set in Egypt, and frankly, the ‘descended from Europeans’ BS is a bunch of racist claptrap.

Dior called. They want their poster back.

I know I’m definitely in the minority, but I actually enjoyed Snow White and the Huntsman in a kind of throwback to 80s fantasy movies kind of way. But even I don’t think the sequel deserves a cast this good.

Not to be *that guy* about it but if a woman had acted like that, her shit would have been canned ages ago for being hysterical.

It sounds smart and well thought out. I think fantasy as a genre needs more of that, not less. I get that it may not be your cuppa, but let’s give it a shot first. She talks about the process here:

It's a joke based on some tone deaf things he's been saying lately.