
This just infuriates me. Children were victimized, and he allowed it to happened for years after he was informed. It's like this town worships this guy. I just don't understand how people can prioritize a football coach's career over the lives of children.

America Without LEGAL Abortion Would Be An Absolute Horror Show.

Now playing

This was funny, but I thought the Kardashian parody by MadTv was funnier. I especially loved Michael MacDonald's impersonation of Bruce Jenner. Kristen Wiig as the mom was awesome, as usual.

Just did. It's a really good poem. Thanks for the recommendation.

love that fim!

Well hello! I actually just had lentils with some rice and a delicious homemade tomato sauce. I've actually been thinking about getting a slow cooker, it sounds convenient.

How do the female attorneys treat the female staff of courts?

Thanks! I was really starting to worry that I was sounding like a sycophant. But I spent a lot of time thinking about this because I would not want to support someone who is truly biphobic and based on his writings I can honestly say that he isn't.

Well based on his actions and what he's written about on this topic, I don't find that argument persuasive, but I guess we can agree to disagree.

I love Robyn! The more people like her the better. I don't know why she's not more popular in the U.S.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Demanding "reparations" for a war we caused, is just going to foster more (economic and social) instability and hatred towards the U.S.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't recall a time when he has advised or approved of anyone over the 18 sleeping with youths under 18 if it violated the age of consent law of whatever state that the writer or caller resides in. Now, the age of consent does vary from state to state. So it is possible for someone over

Well that is the definition of invisibility...not making yourself visible. You don't have to "buy" it but it is true.

Well it's advice not binding arbitration. If someone ID as a bi but doesn't want to be out about it, it is their prerogative, but in that case they are the ones contributing to bi invisibility not Dan Savage.

That "joke" that Dan Savage started with Washington State Attorney Gen. Rob McKenna was in poor taste, not funny, and transphobic. You could probably find some off the cuff snarky remark he made a few years ago that would certainly read as transphobic, and I think he would agree. I also see that he has greatly evolved

That first quote is not even about fat people.

His GGG position goes both ways he insists both men and women be GGG in a relationship, but within reason. He has never advocated that people engage in certain behaviors that make them uncomfortable. He is not "anti-monogamy", but rather advocates for non-monogamous relationships because it is so often

His GGG position goes both ways he insists both men and women be GGG in a relationship, but within reason. He has never advocated that people engage in certain behaviors that make them uncomfortable. He is not "anti-monogamy", but rather advocates for non-monogamous relationships because it is so often

In the past Dan Savage has said some things about bisexuals which were disparaging. However, his position has evolved. And most of his critical comments about bisexuality are targeted at gay and straight fakers who tarnish the reputation of actual bisexual people.

Good point. Especially since religion is most definitely a choice, but yet is still protected under our constitution. It is quite hypocritical of religious conservatives to argue against gay rights because of the claim that being gay is a choice.