
This is very important to military issues, one of these people could be the next POTUS. This made no political claims, it just analyzed the transcript. As far as click bait, not sure how this is clickbait, certainly a lot of time and effort went into analyzing the statements made.

Not talking capabilities here - just looks, and I still think that SU is beautiful.

Bill Murray, always sneaking into the most unlikely areas!

Jeebus frigging cripes. How many times do we need to hear this headline? We, the US, sit on the sidelines and watch two very good allies kill each other. When do we tell the kids to just shut the fuck up? When do we make them hug each other until they laugh about how stupid the fight really is? Jeebus frigging cripes.

The MR2 looks badass, but have you seen the stillborn AEW version? Take a look:

More this:

No 6: Surely the reasons are

1: No American can drive it…
2: No American can drive it…
3: No American can drive it…


The 80’s graphics offer the colour Brown as a sacrifice to the Car Gods...

My neck just got several shades more red from watching this. It also whitened my trash.

Street drifting with crowds present is never a good idea. The general cardinal rule on such things starts with “Don’t drift on the streets” followed by “Don’t drift near people who have no barrier between them and you”.

This entire team gives drifting a bad name. Sometimes, given the cost of going to a track, you can

Who was the fucking idiot in charge of this salvage effort? You don’t lift an airplane with a lot of water inside of it with one strap looped around the wing root.

This. This is enough. Kudos, good Sir.



In general, you probably want some driving experience in excess of two half-days before owning a car as fast as a Z06. That someone would actually purchase a Z06 with a automatified transmission is indicative of a lack of appreciation for performance driving.


Next you’re going to tell me that woman shouldn’t have the right to choose abortion over birth, or that same sex marriage should not be legal.