
hmmm, good point that the consumer is satisfied but who knows what’s going on behind the scenes? I suppose if hospitals, administrators, doctors were making huge money on the Canadian system, then there probably is a problem the consumer doesn’t see. I imagine not since no one complains about that.

Let me make sure I understand - you’re Canadian and you’re happy with Canadian healthcare/hospitals? (that’s what I assume)

I do actually agree with the point of your comment - the dealership experience has not been particularly pleasurable for me either.

I completely agree with noele952. Hospitals are much much worse in opaqueness and ripping you off as much as they possibly can. And I say that as one your “healthcare providers”. What if your dealer wouldn’t tell you the cost of the car until after you signed to buy it? Like hospitals won’t tell you what a knee

yeah, see comment to Katai. General tip for most things would be to do the less invasive/risky stuff like PT first, medications second, then injections, surgery last. Good rule for fixing cars too.

The injection is for that situation where the bursa or tendon or joint is inflamed and is in a vicious cycle where the inflammation keeps itself going. The goal is for that cortisone injection to settle down the inflammation and give the body a chance to heal itself which it wasn’t doing.

I agree with your sarcastic “Modern medicine”. Especially our American medical system.

Now playing

Nice flashback to my college days. “Comma Chameleon” which reminds me of “Caribou Queen”:

I, on the other hand, laughed uproariously. Your choice of ordinary words, nonchalant sentence structure, “oh, this is something I do every day” was hilarious. Also, I’m a guy. I’m sure it was not a chunk of your uterus.

hahaha! I haven’t thought through my plan to beat those bastard hospitals obviously. I have Malamutes so I fit fairly well into their crates. I have tried the expensive, organic dog biscuits they love but I completely fail to see their attraction.

Agree. My same reply to sdreelin:

I’ve often said for minor medical care and surgery, just go to your vet. They can do it just as well and for a lot cheaper and less billing hassles than a medical doctor. And I say this as a medical doctor who takes his dogs to the vet all the time. It’s a much more pleasant experience than having to deal with our

If we’re both thinking of the same early scene, both the girl and her pet live and/or brought back to life. It may have had a few dark moments but the overall story lines were positive. SAO has 2 story arcs; first was good, second was meh.

Nice write up! What usually happens to me is it does not turn out 1000x easier than expected. It usually turns out to be exactly as bad as I expected.

Thanks for that tip!

I agree with other commenters that fan service detracts from story telling but willing to overlook it in comedy. Konosuba’s fan service is still interrupting my attention every once in a while. I wouldn’t call this show great but am enjoying it enough to still be watching it.

It was something closer to “when you bring home a new pet, you’ve just started the countdown to heartbreak”. Which flows better but yeah, the sentiments are the same. Unfortunately.

Now playing

“Only Love Can Break Your Heart” seems to fit here somewhere.

I’m not sure about “great memories”. It was too scary. I can’t imagine the 750cc version. I’d rather just look at the picture of yours. oh yeah, you’re right, it wasn’t great at stopping and it was really an uncomfortable ride. It’s amazing how bikes got so much better in just a few more years by the 1980's. Since I

Too cool! And absolutely correct. I had a blue one. Could only go in a straight line. Ridiculously unusuable powerband - a turn of the throttle and you took off like your grandmother pushing her walker. Another 1/8 turn of the throttle and granny turned into a rocket with your front wheel 4 feet off the ground.