
I’d wager that for a lot of people this starts because ketchup is common on hash browns.  Then some of it will end up mixing with your eggs.  I personally don’t put ketchup directly on my eggs, but I do put it on my hash browns and if some gets on my eggs it doesn’t bother me.

I’ve seen other people give similar impressions. Because you didn’t pay a chunk of change for any specific game it removes the feeling many people have that they are obligated to get their money’s worth from that game. You’re “free” to just bounce around and play what strikes your fancy at any given moment.

I can’t disagree on the troopers. It would be nice if they weren’t so comically terrible at combat in all things Star Wars. However, I think you can make an argument for the robot troopers. The Storm Troopers acted as a diversion. If they happen to succeed then, great! But if not then you send in the others just

In fairness to Crosby there is nothing about the question asked that pertains to his death or how anyone feels.  Now given them the context of the circumstances he probably should have given a more tactful reply as suggested by Skolnick, but overall the reaction by some seems unwarranted.

Yup, pack it all up.  No fun for anyone until all problems are solved.

Yup, pack it all up.  No fun for anyone until all problems are solved.

Those “certain groups” are targeted more, arrested more, charged more, convicted more, and given longer sentences for exactly the same crimes. The police and judicial system are creating these circumstances.

So it’s OK that cops sometimes do? GTFO with your whataboutism.

Really? You looked them all up did you? What about Breonna Taylor? They thought someone was breaking into her home. Daniel Shaver? He was trying to comply repeatedly while the dumb fucking cop gave a laundry list of unnecessary, confusing, and nearly impossible commands to follow. There are many others we can

Comply or die... and sometimes die anyway.

I personally use rechargeables, but I agree it’s likely many people use disposable batteries.

I think you missed the point of the article.  Long story short these poorly trained pigs rolled up and pointed their guns at the victims.

The only thing Microsoft loses out on is the stupid proprietary storage expansion and resistance to rechargeable batteries for controllers.

She was on the wrong fucking floor. And I’d wager their apartment numbers are different.

Holy shit.  You are one dumb mother fucker.

On one hand I can easily imagine his situation. He’s up there on age and likely has way more than enough money from the books and related shows already. It would be terribly tempting to walk away. But OTOH he created this situation himself. And as ApolloMojave points out GRRM is the one that keeps leading everyone

Keep grindin’, R.R. We’ll be waiting.

The books clearly won’t be the same because they won’t ever be finished.  Not by GRRM anyway.

I made it to about 25 and then just changed the URL and jumped straight here to read the complaints.

I won’t say you are doing it wrong, but they are in fact better with cheese.