
It’s never clear who any of these live-action adaptations are for. Fans of the animated series certainly aren’t asking for them. People who are aware of the animated series but never watched it don’t care. Is it for people who’ve ever even heard of the originals, like Warrior Nun? That was so different from the source

I think there’s a large number of people who recognize that a thing is an over-the-top satire of fascism, but also hide behind it and lean into the absurdity of it to hide the fact that they kind of agree with the over-the-top fascists. Like the Warhammer 40K fans who recognize that it’s not serious, but will also

I remember that even The Daily Show, which reviewed movies back then, picked up on the fact that Neil Patrick Harris was blatantly dressed as a Nazi by the final scene, but also somehow missed that we weren’t supposed to be rooting for the humans.

Morrigan Aensland was a big one, especially once they finally gave her a Scottish accent in MvC3. Mai Shiranui, Blue Mary, Angel and Vanessa (KoF), Marisa from SF6 - fighting games almost seem like cheating, there are just too many characters that fit the bill.

Given how horny everyone in that game is, I was honestly surprised there was no poly option.

I really just don’t get who they made this movie for or why.

Tali is also top-tier. Wish she’d been a romance option for a female Shepard.

In college, probably Tifa from FFVII, which had just come out on PS1. No surprise there.

He also got eaten by the protomolecule at the end of season 1 of The Expanse. I think that was the first non-Deus Ex thing I’d seen him in.

Man, if FFVIII had been about Luna, Kiros and Ward, I would’ve liked it.

Out of context, the above interaction could be read as Johnson simply not understanding meme culture, which is totally fair.

I know someone who IS Junpei. He looks like Junpei. He talks like Junpei. When the original came out, I was impressed that they had put my friend into the game in all his weird glory.

I don’t know which was more absurd, Higgs fighting robots with a laser guitar, or Fragile’s ridiculous hand necklace thingy.

Really the best approach would be if both side just took a step back, calmed the heck down, and maybe tried to have a nuanced peaceful conversation without all the name calling and cancelling.

I find it oddly relaxing in FFXIV and Stardew Valley.

That’s one reason I found some of the game’s intended emotional beats sort of hollow and unearned. I ended up with one remaining enemy wounded in one section, crawling away and begging for his life, so I was like okay, I’ll spare that guy. He got back up and tried to kill me as soon as I turned my back on him. If you d

It’s sort of...Rust + GTA + Pokemon.

Before I knew this was Vanillaware, I saw a screenshot with a bunch of really detailed food, and thought wait, is this a new Vanillaware game? And it was. If there’s one thing Kamitani likes as much as big boobs and muscles, it’s food.

WandaVision started out as something really interesting, but man did they bork the landing. It went from a meta-commentary on TV in general to a bog-standard mid-air laser/punch fight that could’ve been in any MCU movie or show.

Nah, gamers do the same thing when a game is good. You could put out a perfect game with no bugs whatsoever tomorrow, for free, and gamers would still find something to bitch and moan about. That’s been the real hobby for a while now - complaining and threatening.