Vic DiGital

My fear is that this will turn into a series of mind transferences so that these actresses can continue to show up over the long span of the show.  So, yes, some sort of Westworld thing is about to happen.

This is a frustrating show because you can see a great show buried under layers of typical TV tropes. The best version of this show is one that focuses 75% on Empire and just follows them through the rise and long fall of the empire. The ever-cycling trio is absolutely fascinating, and major kudos to whoever came up

Myles, I wish you could get out of your own head. You’re so painfully overthinking this show. And you know it. It’s a journey you have to take for yourself.  

I don’t have a comment. I just want to create a space that can act as my Facebook feed until FB comes back up. My apologies in advance for all the motivational graphics, memes, and photos of my granddaughter’s upcoming first Halloween.

Yeah! What’s up with the no screenshots, Disney+????????

It happening all in the same week is canonical. Certain audience members (like you) should have been aware of this. I still think it’s silly that it all happened in the same week, but it’s clever of this show to play off of that.

I actually thought the voice acting was the worst part of the episode. Hardly any of the characters seemed like they were actually experiencing the things we were seeing on screen.  Sebastian Stan especially felt like he was in some other story.

This is the correct take. It’s the same as it ever was, but it’s just not special anymore. Just like every ‘special’ show that’s ever been on the air. What’s fascinating to watch is how the fandom (including reviewers like Zach) are turning on this show en masse, like a school of fish changing directions all at once.

I think this show is at the stage where it’s more about us as viewers changing, rather than the show. Is the Five Families of Ricks just a variation on Council of Ricks? Maybe? But that’s where we’re at. Anytime you have more than two Ricks together, it’ll be instantly compared to The Council of Ricks. I found it

So many typos and weird grammar errors in this article. I’d give it another pass unless AV Club’s policy is to just leave sloppy articles for posterity.

In real life, I think it’s safe to say that constant public speculation about someone’s sexuality would be considered inappropriate and even offensive. Even more so, when someone makes a public declaration of their sexuality, shouldn’t that declaration be respected? If the person comes out as queer and asks for their

The “Best” option is kind of stupid, at least as far as a practical aid. If you HAVE a Tornado shelter or FEMA-approved safe room, I’m pretty sure you’re not going to be confused about when to use it or need to access this chart to remember you have it. For 99% of the people reading this, this will not be an option

I actually think this is going to be the origin of The Orville’s version of the Mirror Universe. We'll get alternate timeline version of everyone where this one event caused things to go horribly wrong across the board.  I can see a Dark Kelly captaining a different version of the Orville in a war torn version of the

First off, I want to say that this was incredible to witness and mad props for you, Reid, for bringing this wonderful story to our attention. I’ve followed your work for a long long time, and I always admire the way you present things. This is very similar to the way that I like to present things, with clarity, and

Ha ha! The Onion always has the most hilarious news.

Um, actually, Luke wasn’t in exile for “decades”. One of the new novels established that the whole incident with Ben happened only six years prior to the events of TFA. I was skeptical about that, but this film clearly shows that Ben Solo is just a bit younger in the flashback than he currently is, so six years sounds

The Director’s New Clothes