
It’s a good deal for conservatives; they’re not the ones whose employability is jeopardized by others knowing their economic philosophies. A lot of employers - even in educated white collar sectors - prefer conservative and dumb as shit to liberal and aware.

"Neverending Reality Franchises With Hideous Men and Women"

I’d much rather see a musical about the passion of Jesus Quintana

Don’t they already? Failed business executives get a golden parachute; failed politicians lose their seats and get 7-figure consulting/lobbying/Board of Directors gig

If you think of “Dear Future Husband” as an address to this guy, all is forgiven:

You might also see some folks making reasonable arguments in favor of gun control as an alternative to this Battaram-in-every-lecture hall approach.

Seriously. Lo (pun intended) these 300ish days, Kristin has become one of my favorite celebrities because she’s such an inoffensively light public figure. Such a contrast to the likes of Donald Trump, Bill Cosby and all the other miscreants who regularly make Gawker headlines. (Not that this sort of tragedy should

I’m one of those snarky 500 Days of Kristin people, but I’m a sincere K-Cav fan as well. Most of us are, I think. Especially now that Gawker is flooded with posts about miscreants like Donald Trump wreaking havoc all over the country, it’s refreshing to have one daily post about someone who’s not hurting anybody and

My takeaway is that there’s a need for more earth/laws of physics-bound original content created from a black person’s perspective and that Duvernay is one of the only filmmakers with enough clout to get those projects greenlit.

Here’s my suggestion: Every time you’re tempted to write an article about Trump, make that article about Bernie Sanders instead. So when Trump says he proposes to ban all Muslims from the country in response to ISIS, write an article about Bernie Sanders’ approach to ISIS. Then stick in a paragraph describing Trump’s

Here’s the rub so far as I see it: It’s attractive for men to be competent and authoritative. For men, competence, authority and attractiveness go hand in hand. Case in point: after Obama’s election, several magazines published photos of shirtless Obama at the beach and commented on his strength/hotness. The point of

Poor Lark Voorhies. LV has health issues but seems like a perfectly kind person. Even if it doesn’t always seem like she has total control over what she’s saying, I’ve never heard her say anything so vile that Fox News would want to hire her. Dash on the other hand seems like someone with the capacity to control her

As a candidate, I think his real value is that he’ll veto the shit out of Paul Ryan’s agenda and appoint SCOTUS justices who aren’t beholden to Wall Street. Clinton is Wall Street/big industry-friendly and center right until she gets caught, then she flip flops, backtracks and spins creative narratives to make it seem

Like many of Sanders’ proposals, I think the realistic hope is that the “middle” will move closer to the actual middle if the “left’s” position is defined by Sanders. And that people will listen to him and pressure their Representatives to take meaningful action.

Agreed about the general election. In the primary, likeability isn’t an issue either. Sanders and O’Malley are running campaigns based on ideas and not charisma. Clinton is too, for the most part (she seems to be moving away from the “Dorothys of the world” commercials and references to her hair and grandchild). It’s

Listen to the OutKast song; it will cure that and everything else that could possibly ail you.

That moment when you realize the porn industry is significantly more feminist and progressively evolved than the legal system.

I’m all for letting people pick which titles they use in reference to themselves (some prefer Mrs. and it isn’t my place to judge), but in this case, since Bill Clinton was never Secretary of State, they should’ve just used that title in reference to Sec. Clinton. Prior to 2009, they should’ve used Sen. Clinton.

Good for her, especially knowing that Trump and the ever growing “anti-PC” bully brigade are going to go apeshit on her for taking this principled and probably unpopular position. I’m glad she’s doubling down and I hope she gets a chance to explain in a very public way why her word choice isn’t just nice: it’s vital

Better than going bankrupt 4 times, all while being an absolute prick.