Please don't be Irish, please don't be Irish, please don't be Irish...
Please don't be Irish, please don't be Irish, please don't be Irish...
Just wanted to say, that your comments mean so much to me here (lost in a sea of "pass the bacon" non-sense, as per usual when anything related to veganism is posted on Jez).
THANKS! Just bought this for *my* BFF!
His latest tweet, two hours ago:
WRECK IT RALPH. (Figured it out.)
REALLY!?!?!?! Please say this isn't so! BIG SADS!
I am so bummed that you've totally ignore these comments. Do you need to hear it from a non-"fellow white lady"? What you did is *not* cool for all of the reasons articulated above (especially Opheella).
A Pissed-off Negress
Really? Wow, you'd be super into hanging out with my granny. She's way racist to everyone except the English too!
Here's a great site of all of Prince Philip's greatest hits!…
Which terrible racist quote makes him your FAAAAVOURITE royal? :-|
I guess that was a bad joke about how Orlando's not exactly Mr A-list himself these days...
Dude, we got them done last week after YEARS of bitching to everyone I know that they are stupid. OOPS. (I found a photographer on Craigslist trying to build a portfolio and offering FREEBIES.)
This is also why I have to support Kelly Clarkson wearing a goddamn wedding dress every single day until she gets married.…
Oh MAN, really? How's that going?
I don't think it's a sense of entitlement... We're just broken people. Telethon plz?
Me too! We're tying the knot in July and I'll be the first of all my pals to get married and keep my "maiden" name. I was never that much of a maiden anyway. Plus, I already learned to spell my surname (ages ago!) and can't be bothered learning a new one.
You can flatten them first a bit and they're less spaceship-y! But I like them that shape too sometimes... :) I'm so stoked to see how many Jezzies are Isa fans! (Although Laura Beck was a bit of a dead cert.)
Sorry, that was a RUDE knee-jerk response on my part that likely results from years of people telling me to eat fish. But really... there's nothing essential in fish (or beef, or milk...) that you can't get from a plant-based diet.
Be careful if you're vegan in the UK though. British oreos aren't vegan. Stupid british oreos...