
Don’t forget that NX means eXperimental. DS9's defiant was NX-74205

How Supergirl Steps Up Its Game:

Do you and Bricken get paid by the tantrum?


Fuck me, I clicked before seeing that it was Sploid. Hey Chan, how does one go about getting a job sharing YouTube videos? Seems like a sweet gig.

Came here for this, was not disappointed. It’s almost as if Favreau wasn’t a complete idiot and was well aware of how the book and first movie came off, and, being a fine director and screenwriter, took the movie in a different, more intellectually sound direction. Amazing.

Not to piss on anyone’s parade, but when you’ve got an essentially unlimited budget and resources...

Honest question, did you expect them to show you if they had it? Why would they reveal that?

I see Bricken made sure he had coverage while he was gone.

This is awesome!

I c wut u did thar

I can’t tell you just how disappointed I was to learn that death sticks were not in fact spice joints. :(

You misunderstand. MRA wannabes have been salivating for this because they can open their mysoginistic rant with a popular SJW term that lends their droooling screeds credibility. Make no mistake, this is about The Ancient One being played by a woman.

Literally the only reason I clicked on the link. Bless you.

From the point of view of someone’s tech illiterate mother, this is fine. She’s not going to read whatever the screen says and start fixing it; she’s going to call her <person who knows more than her about computers>. From the PoV of someone who can fix it, it’s still perfect, because they’re going to use a blue


Tarkin will be in the movie. A CGI pastiche of Peter Cushing will be used.

May I introduce you to a concept known as “context?”

There’s a rush to be this movie’s Rob Bricken.

This right here, from Day One. Also, starting talks to revoke the franchise wouldn’t be out of line. NFL should do the same thing.