
Does this game have good representation for ANY type of person? ALL the NPCs are ridiculous if you hear any dialogue from them, the black and latin gangbangers, the redneck meth head hillbilly bikers, hipsters, Canadians, silicon valley guys, sex workers, frat boys, all the different shops clerks, police, fbi,

Honest question can anyone who thinks that this contributes to transphobia and violence against trans people, explain to me how being able to go with women sex workers and then kill them doesn’t contribute to misogyny and violence against women but it does against trans people. In the uk we just had a mother and 3

Rory seems to be passing around the “EVs Have Won KoolAid”, but the companies setting sales records through COVID?

The fact that you just put everything your DM to figure out and not do the homework yourself really speaks to the kind of player you are. That wouldn’t fly in my group. The rule of cool only works occasionally. The rules are there to keep the game fair and balanced and shouldn’t just be thrown out on a whim. If you

This site is such a fucking dumpster fire

You dorks still blaming Bernie and/or Jill Stein (and Nader before that) for your party’s repeated failures, despite the mountains of evidence that this absolutely wasn’t the case, is straight up embarrassing.

This take is dumb as fuck, and the classic Democrat’s approach to accountability — taking none. It’s just like how Democrats pretend Nader supporters were somehow to blame for Bush winning Florida, when some 300k Democrats straight-up voted for Bush. Bernie supporters voted for Clinton in greater numbers than Hillary

It’s really bad. I just found out that the WWE hosts most of their events in the USA, a country that routinely carries out extra-judicial murders on foreign soil. 

They lost to Trinidad & Tobago

Sure, if we define the “greatest tennis player” using as a metric something other the ability, regardless of sex, to win a tennis match. Which is what we’re doing now, I guess.

Deadspin knows very little about sports except for maybe their hometown teams.

Deadspin was so badly wrong about this team that they delete these comments rather than just admit they were incorrect.

Yeah, you’re totally right, Ben Simmons is so bad. Nice take.

Everyone post someone on the staff of Deadspin writes about the 76ers should include a disclaimer about how dead wrong y’all were about the process.

“Sam Hinkie was a fool for drafting Embiid” - Deadspin, probably

As someone from San Francisco, I don’t get the obsession with having Harris run.

Now playing

Ken is not Ryu but I like him better. I don’t care that they were the exact same in Street Fighter 2. Something about Ken (outfit? hair? being American? his music?) made me play way more aggressively with him than I did with Ryu. Not sure why my playstyle changed when they were literally just a palette swap. Now that

Isn’t is Dorsey who had the bad day? You know, being assaulted and all? Am I missing crucial info here or is this all a weird tone for a article on domestic violence?

Hell, the best way to do a Superman would have to be kind of emulating the Superman Returns video game tie-in. Being that baring a few exceptions from magic, krypotnite, and radiation from a red sun, Superman would be invulnerable to all damage but the city isn’t and Superman has to protect the city and civillians.