
In that same time frame, Robert Covington and TJ McConnell— two players the Sixers got for nothing because no one else wanted them, have played their way into big roles in the rotation on a winning team.

Okafor just sucks.

This guy gets it

Carson Wentz is the MVP this year.

I was really hoping we’d draw Russia in Russia which would’ve been a lot of fun to watch.

Are you guys also going to do one for basketball or is it self-evidently awesome enough to not warrant a plug about how awesome it is?

I feel like the disgust at people who don’t like the WNBA is performative and silly.I doubt the readers of this site would castigate someone for saying they couldn’t stand NCAA Men’s Basketball because it was an inferior version of the game, and yet suggest that the WNBA is dull as dishwater and everyone loses their

The ones who are too short for basketball.

No one in Philadelphia actually cares that it took six years though. Ticket sales were terrible when they were middle of the pack and have only begun to recover this past season, and the team expects to sell out on season tickets for this coming season. By any business metric the Process was a success because it

The thing is, time makes you bolder, even children get older.

You’re overplaying it. This is a silly article about beer, not Joyce. Relax.

Looks like the first new CASTLEVANIA game since ODALLUS.

It is implicitly incestuous.

Your take, that players who cannot hit free throws need to be specifically accounted for in the rules so that their deficiency is not exploited by allowing them to fuck up UNCONTESTED POINTS is garbage, bro. This isn’t some old ass white dude crying about precious fundamentals, this is the basketball equivalent of


Or the guy getting hacked could stop being a bitch and make his free throws? That might work too

You have to be impressed by how efficiently he sent up the core concept.

Yeah, that’s what I never get about the way the posters on here try to attack their political enemies for being “dumb.” If you’re so smart, why are always losing?

Yeah, about that...

Don’t let Burenko hear you ask for THE PROCESS

I’m sure there’s a percentage of blame that can be assigned to the Podesta and DNC emails, but it’s nowhere near the percentage I’d assign to “Not campaigning in Wisconsin” or “Assuming black and latino neighborhoods were already voting for you, and running GOTV campaigns in white middle class neighborhoods that were