
Those of us who have recently gotten speeding tickets doing MUCH LESS severe things, simply because we weren’t rich enough to have a Lambo.... we give a shit. I give a lot of a shit if this cop has a little bit of fun that flies in the face of his job and the rules that I am held to.

Why are you on Facebook? Like, at this point, why is anyone not promoting crazy Russian propaganda still on Facebook??

“And, that’s the genius of the plan. Getting someone to question their every instinct because they were so horribly misled will reap benefits for probably the next four or five elections.”

Oh, I’m not implying that Black Panther isn’t kicking ass... it is. I just meant it as a more general condemnation of the way we talk about the statistics of movies.

The Per-screen numbers are also not indexed for inflation, which sadly already matters when comparing movies from 6 years apart. Ticket prices change...

Yes, the way to not be annoyed by Apple products is not to use them. I would rather not massively overpay for something that’s glorified jewelry.

What happened to it? People woke up and realized that mental and psychological health are more important than appearing tough.

“since that’s how they were described in the source material”

There’s an argument to be made that if you could read the entire first novel without knowing anything about their ethnicity . . . then clearly it is irrelevant information to the characters, right?

I am actually newly single and dealing with these sorts of things for the first time in YEARS.

“Now comes a Trek series with some issues but “stale and safe” aren’t among them. You can never make fans happy.”

“But the show is called Star Trek: Discovery, which means we can’t ever forget the legacy behind it.”

And if you don’t know where you’re going, pull the fuck off the road and figure it out. This is not a ‘wing it and see’ kind of city. You need to know which lane you’re aiming for IN ADVANCE. Our traffic and roads are too jacked up to be patient or accommodating to people who don’t know what they’re doing.

Living or going out in Buckhead is great if you’ve got too much money weighing you down. Similar to cocaine in that way.

Mmmm, that’s not really what I said, and you’re missing the subtle point.

“Fiat money is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity.” 

Dude you need to educate yourself on mining alt coins. It is VERY VERY VERY profitable to mine using a single home rig. You just don’t mine Bitcoins directly. You mine other alt coins then transfer them into Bitcoin or whatever you want....

Not really. . . As long as the operating temperatures are within limits, a solder point won’t fail from use.

Absolutely, overclocking can change the situation. Nothing is ever guaranteed and there’s outlyers for everything.

“Put through the ringer” - This is actually a bit of an urban legend, based on people’s concept of ‘durability’ with mechanical things. It doesn’t really apply to electrical things - with the ONLY exception being cooling systems, which often gather dirt/dust/hair and stop working as well over time.