Great article. However, I take issue with some of your overheating rant...
Great article. However, I take issue with some of your overheating rant...
HAHAHA I cannot believe you’re the only person to point this out... And to think, cops used to come to Jalopnik to have cars in videos identified. . .
I hate to, but I think I have to agree with you. The movie reviews have felt . . . off somehow . . ?
Well, he does make his personal tastes central and forefront of his review of the movie... If he wasn’t focused on Hot Fuzz being his all time fav, I’m pretty sure we’d be discussing this movie based on its own merits instead.
I’m well aware of the distinction. And I reiterate my question - what about the flares on the hellcat look like autozone bolt ons?? They are paint matched and look molded to the body... that’s well beyond “bolt on”.
Any chance on reporting something more substantial than just the price? More info on the mechanical would be nice...
Racing Cars, and Building Cars, are two different things. Lots of people would consider putting in countless hours on a track or in a simulator to hone their driving skills “direct sweat and effort”. Plenty of people who are genuine racers are not engineers, and thus are not in a position to build something.
“Hyper-realistic graphics and mechanics have always been Forza’s big selling point”
Why are we writing an article about this? Is there any evidence that people “BELIEVE” in something as meaningless as this, and are they being harmed in some way by that belief? Maybe it went viral because its 25 seconds of stupid entertainment that lets people talk about how dumb the people in the neighboring state…
God, its usually fun to troll clueless people, but you’ve managed to be so unbelievably dense that its beginning to lose its appeal... Literally everyone here understood you were quoting South Park. The fact that you took my shit seriously enough to actually say what you were quoting is . . . well . . . special.
Correct. Even if I claim you as my buddy, you will never ever be my buddy guy. That’s a tough position to claim, but not as tough as my buddy gal.
Buddy, I don’t give two shits if you like to advertise your ignorance. You see, the beauty of this whole situation is that we have the Law on our side. And in our culture, the Law is the same thing as being Right. If it wasn’t, our system of democracy would have it changed. So clearly, we are right - because the…
If you think posting pro-life commentary on a gawker-media site isn’t being confrontational, then there is literally no help for you anywhere. Your level of situational awareness is about as nuanced as Dick Cheney’s prostate.
They are not, nor have they ever been. This is Fox News propaganda. The funding that Planned Parenthood received from the government is used for contraceptive-based initiatives. Look this up.
You’ve lost track of who you’re replying to or something. At no point in any of the posts with or to me have you talked about ‘studies’. But since you pointed this to me, I get to weigh in anyway!
This would be like me wandering into an InfoWars forum to inform everyone that they are propaganda puppets. Do you think ANYONE there is going to listen to me? They would collectively think I’m insane.
I mean this website uses a LOT of science... I thought you people didn’t believe in that sort of nonsense.
I love that you take the time to include a ton of punctuation in your ignorant internet statement, which most people never bother to do. The hilarious part is that you’ve used lots of wrong punctuation. Its as if you’re terribly ignorant about how to properly write an ignorant sentence...