I’ve been playing a lot on Series S and PC, and I gotta be honest - the mouse for decorating is WAY better. This game really struggles with decorating with controllers.
I’ve been playing a lot on Series S and PC, and I gotta be honest - the mouse for decorating is WAY better. This game really struggles with decorating with controllers.
Nope. Neither is facial hair gender locked. Also the game has vitiligo, so there’s a lot of representative options.
Fuck off, Florida literally wants to wash away my existence. You’re a piece of shit.
How? It’s got a battle pass system that...you don’t have to buy.
This infuriates me so much. There are so many reasons why someone would want to be on prep (imagine you’re a good christian woman and your husband is a Christ-loving former addict who seroconverted before you met him, what are your options?) and so many more. This is pure hypocritical spite.
Where did this idea that Skatebird was a good game come from? It’s not a good game.
Lol his French Canadian accent is strong. I like that accent; it’s cute.
Here’s my issue: I don’t care about the personal details of Depp and Heard, but the fucking gross fixation on their personal lives, THEN the gross one-sided redemption of Depp is even worse. Why the fuck do we care so much about these glorified high school cool kids when they aren’t any better than the rest of us, and…
Not only that, she famously supported Republicans who are anti-LGBT after calling us her gays. She’s an asshole.
Have you guys even looked into the new The Oregon Trail? It was the most played Apple Arcade game and is totally these graphics, and more than just the studios you mentioned.
lol sure jan
Yeah, but, like no? Where did you get that idea? Your butt?
Yeah, but, like no? Where did you get that idea? Your butt?
Bawkbasoup did a full playthrough of this a few weeks ago, and it’s a fun couple hour watch.
I am extremely angry with what they did with her. In the movie alone, fine, whatever, but this is a character with some real growth and evolution across hours of media. She is a tortured character, and they turned her into a violent scary monster, completely irredeemable. I hate that.
I don’t believe Reggie. I will say that most executives are actually unaware of a lot of this stuff, and even good intentions can miss shitty corporate methods, but he has to own his own complicit contributions in this culture.
Since there is a new animated show set in the original x-men animated universe, I bet this Prof. X is the one from the 90s show, but made real life actor
I’m same as you, I’m avoiding as many spoilers as possible for this one because it’s going to be nuts, but damn, if their marketing is sharing this, what are they *not* sharing?
because that costs money, probably more money than people realize:
I know so many horny middle aged non-gamers and non-anime fans who have been sucked up into horny anime on Netflix. It’s gross lol