
Hard agree. The Decemberists are a really foundational group for a certain cohort of Millennial, and they really laid the basis for my tastes moving forward. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have gotten into early Sufjan and Bon Iver, but also because of them they let me embrace some more of the narrative driven pop

OH GOD. This is a very important listicle to me. I ADORED The Decemberists, I ache for their to be more Decemberist options at karaoke bars, I dream of the show I saw them perform in London, an isolated American in a sea of Brits with only the band as my allies. God this was college for me. All of these songs just

Irony of ironies, the only game I play on the hardest difficulty is Ring Fit Adventure. Since I have the resources but not the time to get through games, I play on normal for most games and try to not over think them, as I never get to finish them.

Ring Fit Adventure. I’m not normally a fan of motion controls, but for that game, it works REALLY well. I mean, it kind of needs to work well, but still!

I mean, I think this is kind of lame for a sports game, but haven’t we been getting towards this for almost twenty years?

lolwut. Really sticking to your guns. “That’ll show Nintendo!”

yeah I’m checking out the subreddit for the game and folks seem pretty pleased and seem to think the buffs were generally fair and good. Not to knock Ari, but this article is a slightly odd balance between someone who REALLY knows what’s going on and someone who knows more than most players and is trying to pass as a

This is just a reminder that difficult high maintenance people and deserve to be gently shamed for being difficult and unenjoyable to interact with.

Interesting read, I appreciate the discourse, but what’s the difference here and the aforementioned bodice rippers that Jez writers often like so much? I don’t think this article is necessarily anti-this movie, and brings up good points, however.

This is weird. If I was that big screaming pirate man from the E3 unveiling of For Honor (you know, the one who got pushed out and had a documentary made about him) I would be pissed.

God knows the opinions these guys have on the game are seriously much more important than anyone else. They have been told their opinions on ALL THE THINGS are important to everyone around them and it’s important that we know they don’t like something!

Oh man, talk about the truth here. I don’t know if I can live any longer without hearing from grown men (let’s be honest, it’s grown men) who are sticking to their guns and telling everyone they can how disappointed they are in SwSh.

Klara is the best. I love her look and her general attitude. Also  I think she’s supposed to be a failed pop singer?

My question, we have a Kingdom Hearts Disney game and there isn’t any Disney music. Huh.

Fuck it, why can’t shitheels like McConnell get it and croak? 

It’s a well-known meme. The guy is taking the piss out of racists.

You are correct! I missed that in the initial read-through. Still stands, I would be interested in a shoe collection where you can mix and match the left and right shoes.

It could make for an interesting collectors market and double dipping if some people end up wanting to collect a “proper” pair, like trawling for size 10 Woody right to go with their already secured size 10 Woody Left

I treat them as Disneyland/D23/convention shoes

I would like to see more shoe pairs that are not matching pairs