I wanna be with Alois. He’s got dumb older guy energy and it’s fun. Instead he practically adopts you. It’s weird.
I wanna be with Alois. He’s got dumb older guy energy and it’s fun. Instead he practically adopts you. It’s weird.
Then grab some and show me with a breakdown.
One is purchased by Microsoft, one is a Polish company funneled cash by their government and known for fucking over their employees, and From Software has games published and paid for by other people and even have DLC itself. Pick other options.
Oh wow. Think that’s going to fly over well with all consumers? I mean, Karen, I know you’re a capital-C Connoisseur of video games and probably love some pixels and voxels because you are ~*ELEVATED*~ but you seriously think dropping features is going to stop the hoards of whining shitlords? Look at pokemon right now.
No shit, Karen. And if I wasn’t working in gaming you would just be a pathetic gamer with no games, only your sad dick to keep you entertained.
You should make a video game in a market like Baltimore and see how much it costs. I wish you the best because you apparently know the industry better than people in the industry.
So are you saying videogames should be a non-profit industry to make sure you have an experience custom curated to your needs and wants? Wow Karen, you’re selfish. I hope you don’t die alone under your solipsism.
This is literally an issue in EVERY INDUSTRY. It’s systemic, yet fucking nerds seem to think it only impacts their precious vidjagmes.
then why the fuck are these nerds so pissed? Pay $30, play with your friend for 10 hours, move on to the next thing. the end.
I want to see you manage a game studio and see how quickly it would fail, Karen. Do some math. You have to pay for dev, QA, any licensing feels, operations, overhead, taxes, marketing, insurance, and regional standards for competitive employees. Create that game up to the standard of Witcher 3 outside of fucking…
TOTES REASONABLE. Actually, I need games to also tell me I’m pretty and everyone else is wrong and also suck my dick too. I’M THE CONSUMER.
You’re stupid or a child because you clearly don’t remember the $75 JRPGs for the SNES.
Wow what a simple solution! And those douchebags skip off to another job and you’re left with an empty c-suite. Great! So where do you want to put that money then? QA? Marketing? Events? Taxes? Relocating? Tell me, I’m super curious what you think.
Thanks for the clarity, Karen. I have a request for you. Pick a price point for game, staff a studio in a competitive market, and then budget for marketing, cost overhead, licensing, operations, QA, events, PR, taxes, etc. and then tell me how many units you would need to sell to break even. You seem smart, let’s play…
How do you recommend a studio spend $20 million on a cheap game and make a profit then? Do some math for me, I’m not smart like you.
Damn Karen, you converted me. If only Western game developers were more like glorious Nippon rite?
Then tell me, Karen, how much does it cost to make a game? You seem to know the industry, how much does it cost to make a game. Prove me I’m wrong.
hahahahahahahahahha, oh Karen, tell another one.
What’s funny, Karen, is I actually party with Jim. You do know what the larger industry thinks of Jim, right? How many games has Jim made? How does Jim monetize? Why are you letting someone else make an argument for you? Are you a dumb, Karen?