
Our Cave who art in Stone, Hallowed be thy Adds. Thy engrams come. Thy will be farmed, On Old Russia as it is on the Moon. Give us this day our daily glimmer. And forgive us our freeloading, As we forgive those who grief us. And lead us not into rage quitting But deliver us from the Cryptarch. For RNG is the kingdom,

Nintendo could have made this headline different:

It's not easy finding men with pixellated dongs.

Get it girl! I mean...

This is the waterslide-video equivalent of blue balls with its cameras facing every direction but the direction I wanted to see. If I wanted to watch two hairy dudes get wet, I would have opened an incognito tab.

These gentlemen were not involved.

First of all, you don't slap a man...

Oh Yee of little integrity.

The HL3 logo is hidden in his beard.


Yeah when I watch my hen... I mean anime it would obstruct all the best parts.

Tommy, got game... but my boy alpha...

The Power Rangers couple renders all the other ones irrelevant.

I thought Jehuty was male, unless i am mistaken.

Hi~ I'm the Aerith cosplayer, and as far as I know I've nerver been featured here before xD