
No, I realized it was a music video and became extremely uninterested in it. Closed it about a minute in to watch something else. Although I can see how it would definitely be nightmare fuel for some people.


Sad thing is, I've always wanted a game like Weapon Shop de Omasse. I've always had this fantasy of a game that was, like, a cross between a RPG and god simulator, where you'd run your own kingdom and send heroes out on adventures and manage things behind the scenes. (Like a deeper version of the Kairosoft game

Yes they do, it's very minimal though unless you find a good clump. otherwise, you are better off pewpewing players and titans.

Easy, say that it was a remote control for a missile fueled with the power of fun, motion and mario.


At first glance I thought that was Snake.

Are these the guys responsible for the Scar x Mufasa Nightmare Fuel from yesterday?

Yeah....I don't think the Tetris God will be pleased about people using this "Up" command.

Hell no! Bring me more Delita, Ramza, and MOTHER EARTH FUCKING T.G. CID!

Honestly I think the hype train is right on this one. Back during the reveal I didn't give two crap about it. Didn't seem special in any sense. Signed up for the Beta, and that perspective changed within the first match. Moving through the map, Rodeo-ing(?), Minions, The option to actually fight beside your titan

That Scar Nightmare Fuel.

Am I the only one seeing the power glove for some reason?

Obviously a censor for what is really going on here in the stalkercopter.

You know, there is a point where you can just reach across and slap the shit out of him during the interview. It's totes in the law.

10 3 letter words in article, 10/2 is half. Subtract 2 get 3. Half 3.

Half-life 3 confirmed Feb 29 2014.

I don't know why but Pretty the Cup Noodle looks like he was shopped in there on the first one.

Gif? A Novelty? Sure it's not like it is spammed all over the internet as a macro or anything.

Welp, time for me to get rich by jailbreaking my ipad, ipod, and iphone then putting flappy bird on it so all these sheep can give me their monies.

Kinda glad I didn't early adopt it. I can understand really minor bugs and glitches. but a "Maybe we will fix progress inhibiting bugs." yeah, no thanks.