Donald looked really weird in this trailer to me.
Donald looked really weird in this trailer to me.
The first thing I thought of.
I am not sure what to say. One part of me say "Supply and Demand. It happens.". Another part of me says that is a really fucked up practice especially if they are saying "Fuck you people who didn't pay the extra money" and from the looks of it, that is pretty much what they are saying.
Just how long is this special? It looks like it covers EVERYTHING. Which is a good thing.
So, when will this be playable? Will Akuma and Ken be available? How about Dan?
If it doesn't do this every time I pull the trigger, I don't want it.
If in no part of the game they constantly spam "USE BOMB WISELY!" and "DO A BARREL ROLL" Then it ain't Star Fox. On a more serious note, I do like the fact that someone is doing something for starfox. the 3ds game was nice but it's time for some new stuff and not a remake.
Seriously. I am starting to believe nothing good ever comes out of Florida. Also terrible father. He has not even an iota of an idea on what his kid is playing.
Exactly. Red's Charizard gives no fucks about water and water types. He eats that shit for breakfast with a side of rocks.
And by the end of Johto, he has leafpoo, waterpoo, ratpoo, kick ass theme, the capability to Roflstomp you and your unprepared team into the ground. Did I mention he has a missingpoo too and he lives in a badass caves in the mountain? Chicks and Pokemons dig mountains.
This is the greatest idea ever especially if we in the comments can join in! With that being said....How do we join in!? I love new ways to discover music!
And then I realize I addressed this to the wrong person. Don't mind me.~
I'll join this party. Steam account: Azteca.
So hear I am expecting to hear the sound it makes starting up. You know the Fanfare like on the PS3/PS2/PS1/Dreamcast. Then I realize, I am listening for the damn "Beep". You are an evil person.
Add me if your would not mind. Azteca. Together we shall band and one of us will get to be a lucky tester.
This is the greatest creation in the history of history ever.
....Well, I'm boned.
It isn't cheating if you are turning on crazy pedestrians.
Same here, I just find GTA boring as hell in general (Save for Vice City. Some reason that was the greatest GTA ever to me) which I guess is odd since I liked True Crime (The first one), Saints Row, and Sleeping Dog.