
We rented a camper van and drove the ring road over nine days. That was a blast. Recalling now, doing so displayed just how sparse the population is, outside of a couple cities. Beautiful place.

Yes.. Twitter.. Let’s go there for transparency..

This is the top reply? Are you the stale and the cliquey? Yes, trolling over substance, lovely time to be online..

I’m sure that was part of the agreement with each city..

It’s based in the post-trade-war future, where American car companies don’t need to compete with high quality, foreign manufacturers. Who knew Halo was a first-person political shooter..

Logic is so 2014..

Sigh.. With those engine sizes, there’s zero chance these will ever come to the US..

The correct answer is Chevy SS.

‘van’ is a very stigmatized word here..

Article fun! Scooters bad..

Isn’t this the promise of autonomous cars. They’re supposed to assume that everyone is a bad driver, and (more importantly) are 100% prepared to take evasive maneuvers 100% of the time. Maybe that’s a high bar? But if they can’t do that, I’ll be disappointed..

They correctly identified the human and the machine in the infographic, which is reassuring.

As well as experts that tell you how you should feel all the things!

Experts are out these days. Feelings are in. And people feel better with high riding positions and the ability to haul anything that might possibly fall in their lap without having to rent a van for $50.

Between the concussions, the CTE, the Kaepernick bs, this lunacy... I think I’m taking a year off fantasy football and watching in general..

I’m happy to agree with you on the bad parenting part.

I’d be curious to know what those men were doing when they were 18. Probably working and studying hard, not racing expensive toys on public streets. I believe ~20% of the rich became rich, the other 80% were born into it. I’m fine redirecting some of that inheritance into making the poor less poor.

My only milk related rule is to stay away from bull milk..

I must have missed an article.. Why do I give an actual fuck about anything a Kardashian does?

Condolences for the family. “Street racing teens” in $30k+ cars that ‘teens’ can’t afford on their own.. I obviously don’t know the whole story, but all these details certainly smell of wealth inequality combined with gross negligence. Yay, Amrrka.