That Pecham mouse pad code is only taking off $2.60, fwiw.
That Pecham mouse pad code is only taking off $2.60, fwiw.
That Pecham mouse pad code is only taking off $2.60, fwiw.
That Pecham mouse pad code is only taking off $2.60, fwiw.
AI is largely at the mercy of the programmers. Face recognition is great if you have light skin, to accentuate the details. Voice recognition is great, if you don’t have a strong accent or use terms the system doesn’t understand. Data is great, unless it’s harvested from an already biased society.
Clarity would help. Affordable health care and civil rights are the obvious two in my mind. Managing the wealth gap is a big part of what the ACA attempts, but would probably fall flat as a message when many billionaires and millionaires are publicly Dem. No one seems to know how to approach the JOBS! cry.
It’d be nice to change the information saved, or limit its availability, but canceling your registration sure as hell isn’t the way to do that..
Congrats! I used to teach classes, and I fully endorse the practice of trying something new and uncomfortable, but there’s no need to make it a lifestyle change. Not many things in life are a good fit for everyone. And for you, at this time, there’s no apparent reason to further explore this avenue.
The triangle is a design feature. It shows you just how effective your fancy wipers are, and makes the clear areas look hi-def. If you don’t see much of a difference, time for new wipers. (Be sure to buy OEM, and have them installed at the dealer.)
This bill will pass in some horrible way, shape or form. Don’t stop fighting it until the Reconciliation expires 10/1.
Yep. But I didn’t see anything about a legally-binding contract for Turo, nor do I imagine they’re obligated under the DFEH. Apples and oranges, I suppose.
Sure. All of the Charlotte AirBNB, motel and hotel owners state they don’t want to rent to black people. What’s the worst that could happen?
This is arguably a better way to raise wages than through raising the minimum wage.
Fair. Just an alternate POV. Arroway and Kirk have different personalities, it’s believable that they would react differently. No right or wrong outlook.
How much of that is the religious viewpoint sinking into the scientist? My bible knowledge is a bit rusty, but one doesn’t ask God where he’s from or how he does what he does (and those that do hardly get a straight answer). They stand in awe, ask personal questions, and battle their internal conflicts and emotions.
I’m actually quite fond of the packaging.
This is luck. Please don’t make any plans based on this. (Insert John Oliver episode on the lottery.)
There’s something to having more kids than you can afford. If your family relies on having 5+ child workers, it may be inevitable. If more children serves as a detriment, and the majority of people continue to have that many kids, it may be cultural (like our passion for cable TV and fast food). Perhaps there is some…
Continue sleeping until the investigation concludes. I doubt the FBI is one to carelessly leak documents that might impede their processes. Promises of collusion or no collusion are pretty baseless at this point, but the ‘show me’ argument won’t be met until the time is right (if it is met).
Oh, I don’t think this is limited to white social structures.
Never. Not within his ability. (The realization part..)
Is it now official that this administration is solely here to troll us all?