
Well that’ll fix the Social Security funding problem, if no one lives long enough to withdraw..

I can see these things being a fun date night type activity, but they seem silly as on a regular basis. They’re overpriced, and quite wasteful (when considering packaging materials). I do appreciate being forced out of your comfort zone to cook something new, but you’d probably be better off building this habit

I mean, you’re not wrong. A troll, yes, but not wrong.

Party before country; this is your modern Republican party.

We can always make health insurance so expensive for them that they can’t afford a car.

I’ll credit Sam Bee for this concept last year.

Pray? No. You vote. And until then, you hit town meetings, talk to your rep, and respectfully stand with conviction by your belief in facts. We’re here because the right did the same with their spoon-fed feelings, and because we thought the facts would speak for themselves.

There are some illnesses and disabilities that are very preventable by living a healthy life. There are illnesses and disabilities that are not. Would it not be more productive to educate the public to encourage better behavior, rather than punishment? Of course, educated voters means you might not get away with

Plenty of pride available in acquiring a specialized skill and using that in a career. Grad school, technical training, apprenticeship, self-education? All of these work. But one still has to be flexible enough to adjust to a fluctuating job market, and be smart with the money they make.

During the week? Coffee, black. Weekends are a bit more interesting.

There are a lot of emotional and moral and ethical arguments to be made, which I’m not really interested in making. But from a purely financial standpoint, it’s cheaper for everyone if we support abortions, birth control and proper education than it is to support unprepared mother & child for years. Not much logical

It isn’t abrupt. It isn’t expensive. But it could become public poli-RABBBLERABBLERABBLE!!

There seem to be quite a few people with exactly the same opinion (and word choice) about Obama’s Title II order diminishing broadband competition..

Mr. Money Mustache has a good list of financially responsible cars. I’d also recommend reading the rest of the blog. Get a hatchback, skip the pickup.

Argh.. Ducati is less exotic, but more varied (and around) because of the purchase, I would dare to say. VW also did a good job keeping Lambo and Audi fresh, if a bit less exciting than they could otherwise have been. Not sure I expect good news of any company leaving the VW umbrella, despite the problems..

On one hand, I hesitate to take anything an oil exec says with too much gravity. On the other hand, they probably have the most pertinent data (publicly and privately available) to make the most accurate assessment.

I understand that drifting involves correcting throttle. But 0% or 100% and nothing else? Doesn’t really get my panties wet. Especially when that 100% isn’t under load.

What is the definition of terrorism. Is it some level of brown to one’s skin vs one that is quite pale? Or is it one attacking someone completely innocuous? And wtf is wrong with white people? We’re so privileged (yes, we are); why are we (maybe not so suddenly) going insane? No sarcasm here..

So a bit of confusion here. I’ll be the first to state that there are things going on here I don’t understand. What I do understand:

Ah, TrumpLibs might be a good party game this year.