
From a Pokemon player? Not likely.

Lets be honest. If you’ve learned anything from our society, its that we prefer our entertainers to look attractive.

why? shouldn’t all the retards pushing people and acting insane to catch a pokemon not be the ones who need an ass whoopin’

Your questions can all be classified under different categories. People can do glitchless or 100% runthroughs of a game and it’s counted under a different category.

I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?

Well there’s being upset and there’s just thinking it’s a bit lame.

My statement wasn’t meant to be taken literally. So...

Like what you like, and allow other people to not like it if they don’t like it. It’s no insult to you if other people don’t share your tastes.

Looks like the cable for the rear mech. Let’s be honest. In all of this, the real highlight is, “BACK AWAY FROM THE BICYCLE.”

Ask Dark Souls 3 players stacking poise.

Thanks for the spoilers! :D /s

you say it like normal people know who the fuck justin wong is...

Articles like this make me fear for the current generation.

“The things I want to buy are not on sale” != “Everything sucks”

“The things I want to buy are not on sale” != “Everything sucks”

Yes because we all root for athletes because of their life choices, not their skill level and will to compete.

Oh I have no arguments with that. Both the Cormier/Silva and Lesnar/Hunt matches were just momentum killers, which I think really took from the main event.

2 of the decisions last night were pretty boring, though, whether you follow the sport or not. It isn’t just because they were wrestling wins. It was because, outside of the first round of the Cormier fight, no one tired to advance their position at all so it devolved into either little inside punching on the ground

I’deducate you on how wrong you are, I just dont care enough to spend 10 minutes formulating a response, using my own poorly educated assumptions and some hasty, poorly done fact checking. In the ebd I will have formly inserted my foot into my mouth.

Or get one for $35.99 shipped.

Or get one for $35.99 shipped.

it says 47 is there a promo code?

it says 47 is there a promo code?